Chapter 14

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Vanilla POV

As I waited for Sonic and Cream to wash their hands, I set up the table. Then I remembered when Sonic told me when he was a kid and how bad it was but now I hope he's doing better. I put the food on the plates. Sonic, Cream, and Cheese came in.

"Oh you came just in time," I said

Sonic and Cream sat down beside him and Cheese sat down next to her.

"Oh it looks amazing Vallian," Sonic said

"Thank you, sweety, "I said

As the three ate I went to do the dishes.

"Hey Mom, can I ask you something," Cream question

"Yes, what is it?"I questioned

"Can we go to the park with Sonic," Cream asked

"Of course but ask Sonic if he would like to," I said

"Mr.Sonic?"Cream asked

Sonic chuckled and said.

"Of course, I will,"

"Ya," Cream said excitedly

I turned around and walked up to them as I said.

"Oh eat you two,"

Sonic nodded and they started to eat their food and I went back to doing the dishes. After that, we got ready to go to the park.

"Are you three ready?"I asked

"Yes Mom," Cream said

"Chao chao," Cheese said,

"What about you Sonic darling?"I questioned

But he wasn't with us so I looked around to see him staring out the window, I walked up to him saying.

"Hey Sonic darling,?"

He didn't answer me so I softly touched his shoulder. He jumped at that and looked at me, I could see in his eyes that he was scared.

"What is wrong honey," I asked

He nodded at me as he said.

"Ya, I am,"

"You sure?"I questioned

"Yes I am Vanilla," He said

After he said that he gave me a small smile then walked to the door and put his shoes on. When we left the house, I went onto my phone for a minute and then I did Sonic saw this and asked.

"What were you doing?"

"Oh just texted Shadow," I answer

"Why?"Sonic questioned me

"So he would know where you were and wouldn't get worried about you,"I said

Sonic nodded as he continued to walk and when we got there Cream grabbed Sonic's hand and ran to the playground and Cheese followed them.

"Let's play Mr.Sonic," Cream said with a smile

"Ok," Sonic said

When they did that I sat down on a bench and watched them play, Sonic looked so happy, he was smiling, and it wasn't a fake one it was wonderful to see. I watched them until I heard someone say.

"Oh hey, Vanilla,"

I look to see Tails with Knuckles and Amy. I sighed as I smiled at them.

"Hey you three," I said

Three of them sat with me and I looked away.

"So where is Cream?"Amy asked

"She's playing," I said as I didn't look at them

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