Chapter 13

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Rouge POV

As we watched the TV I noticed that Sonic wasn't smiling, he looked like he didn't smile for years. But before I could do anything I jumped to the voice of Shadow saying.

"What are you doing?"

"OH GOD SHADOW!!"I yelled

Shadow looked at me with his emotionless face then smiled.

"Oh I'm sorry Bat," He said

"Sure you sorry," I looked at him with a pouty lip

"Yes I am," he said, then he looked at Sonic and asked, "Hey Faker, what do you want to eat?"

I looked at Sonic in shock "You didn't eat?!" I said

"Well I wasn't hungry at that time," Sonic said

I sighed and shook my head a little, but Sonic was smiling, it was like when Shadow is around Sonic is different.

"So what you want," Shadow said

"Ummm grilled cheese sandwiches," Sonic said

"Alright," Shadow said when goes into the kitchen.

I turned to Sonic and smiled as I said. "Sooo."

"So what?"Sonic questioned,

"You smile a lot don't you?"I questioned him

"Oh ya, I do. Don't I," I said smiling.

"Oh yes hun you do," I said putting my head in my hand.

He laughed a little "I don't know why I just do, I guess I'm just used to doing it," I said looking at me

And just for a second I could see a little bit of sadness in his eyes but then Shadow came into the room and it went away.

"Here Sonic your grilled sandwiches," Shadow said, giving Sonic a plate with a gentle smile.

"Oh thanks," Sonic said, taking the plate.

After Sonic took the plate I was going to get out of the chair I was in, Shadow sat beside Sonic, so I sat back down.

"Shadow, what about me?"I asked in a joking way

"You can make your own," He said as he looked at me

"What really?"I questioned him

"Yes really," He said

"Fine I will," I walked into the kitchen but stopped at the door so I could see and hear what they were doing then I was not there. But they didn't say anything until Sonic was almost done with his food Shadow said something.

"Sonic, I have a question to ask."

"Oh ok, what is it?"Sonic asked looking at Shadow

"Can you tell me more about your family?"Shadow asked

"My family?"Sonic tilts my head as he says "Of course I would like to know something about them before I meet them one day," Shadow said

"Oh?"Sonic questioned

"Well of course, so tell me," Shadow said

"Oh um.. Well, I don't where to start,"

"Mmm, Tell me something about your father," Shadow said

When he said that Sonic didn't say anything like he was trying to find something to say, maybe something good.

"Sonic you alr-" But before Shadow could finish talking Sonic said

"He a hard worker man and just wanted to have a good family," He said looking down

"So was he a good father," Shadow asked

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