Chapter 6

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Sonic POV

After he went into the other room with Cream I made sure my face was red so when I was good I went in the room. As I walked through the door, Cream ran up to me and grabbed my hand.

"Come sit with us," she said

"Ok," I said with a smile on my face.

I sat on one side of the couch and Shadow on the other side then Cream sat in the middle of us. Then she put the TV on to a show she liked, after one hour of watching it we all got bored so she asked us.

"Mr.Sonic Mr.Shadow can I put bows in your quills?"

"Oh ok," I said with a smile.

She smiled when looked at Shadow.

"Mr.Shadow can I?" she asked again

"No," he said

"Oh come on Shads it will be fun," I said

"Umm, "he said

"Please, " Cream said

"Fine," he said,

"Yay, I will be back I need to get my things." Cream said

Then she left and my smile left as well then I said.

Shadow POV


"What, why are you sorry?"I asked

"Because you hate it when I call you Shads so sorry," Sonic said, not even looking at me just looking straight with a frown.

"You don't have to be sorry," I said

"But doesn't it make you mad?"Sonic asked

"Well it does make me upset a little because Maria used to call me that but it makes me happy too because when you say it, it reminds me of her."I said with a little smile

"Oh," he said

"And the reason I acted mad is that I didn't want to know it made me happy," I said

"Shads?" he asked, as he looked at me

"Ye..."I was going to say before Cream came in yelling

"I have!"

"Oh great let me help you," Sonic said with that smile

'It must be fake,' I thought to myself

As Cream set up all her things Sonic kept that smile on, she did me first she brushed my quills with put them in pink bows and Sonic chuckled a little.

'He thinks it's fun huh," I thought

When she was doing Sonic Cream put orange bows in his quills he kind of looked cute with his quills up.

"You look good Shads," he said

"You too," I said

"Thanks," he said with a small smile

My heart jumped a little at that, that smile was nice not like that big grin he always does, then Cream was done Sonic went to eat something for dinner that's when Cream changed.

"You make him happy," she said

"What?"I asked

"You made him smile," she said as she looked at her hands playing with the ribbon.

"What do you mean he always smiles?"I asked

"No, those are fake smiles but the smile he gave you was real," she said as she looked at me with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if it's fake or real it's a smile," I said

"But.." she was going to say but I cut her off,

"Where is Cheese?"I asked

"He was napping, I should get him for dinner," she said looking away with a frown.

"Ya," I said with a frown looking away too,

After that, she went to get Cheese and I looked at the door to the kitchen so I went in to see Sonic looking at a knife.

"Sonic are you ok?"I asked

He didn't answer so I touched his shoulder and he jumped and looked at me with so much fear in his eyes.

"O..Oh, i-it's just you," he said stuttering

"Ya it's me, you ok?"I asked

"Ya ya my ok," He said,

"So what is so amazing about that knife?"I asked

He looked at me then the knife he then realized what he was doing.

"Oh they just remind me of the ones I had when I was a kid," he said

"Oh when I lived with your parents?"I asked

"Ya," he said frowning

"Sorry for upsetting you," I said

"Oh no it's ok," he said

"So what are you making?"I asked

"Chicken noodle soup," he said

"Well it smells really good," I said

He chuckled.

"It's not that good," he said

"Well I will be the judge of that," I said with a smirk

"Oh really? Ok then," he said with a small smile

But before anything else could happen Cheese and Cream came in Sonic looked at them and said.

"You came at the right time supper is almost done,"

"I will sit at the table," Cream said

"Ok," Sonic said

"I am going to help her," I said

"Alright," he said

Then I went back to cooking.

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