Chapter 5

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Tail POV

As we wait for Sonic to come home we all talk about what we want to ask him then the door opens and it is Sonic he looks at us but doesn't say anything just started so I said.

"sonic we want to ask you some questions,"

"Ok," he said

Then he sat down and we started.

"So Sonic, why are you acting so weird?" asked Knuckles

"Acting?" he asked

"Ya," Knuckles answered

"I am not acting weird," he said

"Yes you are," Amy said

"Oh," Sonic said

"Ya ever since you told Eggman to shoot you, you have been acting so down and that is weird," I said

We all nodded but Sonic and Blaze, Sonic looked down like he was thinking about something then he said something so weird that I had to think about it too.

"Sorry I was not acting like him,"

'What, why did he say that? Acting like him, how is he? What should I say to that?'I thought

But before I could say something Silver asked.

"What do you mean?"

He didn't say anything so Silver said it again but loud and it made him flinch so I got up to sit next to him but before touching him he jumped and looked at me, he was crying and then ran to his room.

Sonic POV

As I slammed the door, tears rolled down my peach-pale muzzle, thinking of all the things they all said to me.








"K...Kill y-your...S...Self!" I yelled out of my cries

As I yelled that I grabbed a knife that was my father's it had blood on it when he would cut me with it. As I look at it I remember that I have to look after Cream and Cheese so I get all my things and walk downstairs and out of the front door. As I walk to Vanilla's house look around to see two male hedgehogs smoking one was a deep purple with light blue eyes he was wearing leather fingerless gloves and combat boots then the other one was a pale yellow with very light blue eyes he was wearing a black leather jacket, leather gloves, and black and red runners.

"Hey cutie!" the Pale yellow yelled as he whistled at me.

'Of course, he would do that me having a female-looking body the only thing that is not female is my chest and head,'

(and yes I made Sonic a herm)

"Hey where are you going?"The pale yellow yelled

I didn't say anything and just walked but that made him mad. They started to follow me but then someone called me.


I looked to see Shadow as I stopped. He ran up to me, held my hand, and started to drag me so I sped up and we walked and held hands.

'Why is he holding my hand? Is he helping me, but why?'

"Why are you out late?" he asked

"I was walking to Vanilla's house because I was looking after Cream and Cheese for Vanilla until she got off work."I said

"Oh I will take you there," he said

"ok," I said

And with that, we walked to Vanilla's, and when we got there Vanilla let us in and left.

"Mr.Shadow, are you staying?"Cream asked

"If you want," He said

"Yes I would love for you too," she said and smiled

"Ok then I will stay," he said

"Yaa," she said jumping up and down

I laughed a little and Shadow looked at me and smiled a little then went into the living room THUMP

'What is that?' I thought to myself that my face was bright red.

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