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Will, Epps, and Fig walked into the small hangar. Epps looked at Will,

"You have it?"

Will sighed and nodded. They turned around as they heard giant footsteps and saw Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ironhide, Ratchet, and Bumblebee. Epps glanced at Bumblebee,

"How is Sam doing?"

"Brought you daffodils, make you feel alright"

Fig shook his head sadly,

"The kid just found out his older sister was alive...only for him to watch her die,"

Will closed his eyes as he brought out something that was wrapped,

"Not now, Fig."

Fig solemnly looked down and nodded,

"Sorry, sir,"

Will put a hand on his shoulder, 


Fig looked up at his captain, Will smiled sadly at him, 

"It's okay,"

Fig shook his head, 

"No. No, it's not sir. We just lost Mynx! She is not coming back! All of our jokes about that stupid barbecue? All of it is gone now! We lost her! We failed her. I promised her we would get out of there...when she got stabbed? I promised her I would make sure she saw her baby brother again...that she would finally get that time off to spend time with him in person,"

"I promised her I would take her to my house, to see my daughter, that my daughter would grow up calling her aunt and you guys uncle. I broke my promise too,"

"We all broke our promise to Mynx...but what is one promise we can keep?"

Will and Fig looked at Epps and he gestured to the item in Will's hand, 

"To give her a send-off, just us. No stupid posers, a proper send-off,"

"Is there anything we can help with?"

The three looked up at Optimus Prime, Epps sighed and smiled sadly at the bots they fought with,

"Be here when we do it."

Will smiled sadly, 

"She fought for your cause, for our cause...we might not have known you very long...but you guys are her comrades too,"

Fig nodded, 

"So, be with us as we do this,"

The Autobots nodded, Jazz immediately transformed into his alt-mode and got closer to the three, 

"Whatever it takes,"

They all watched as everyone transformed into their alt-modes after Jazz and lined up next to him. Will smiled and nodded. He walked up to a stack of wood and unwrapped the piece of cloth, it was a strip that had a gold stripe on it, right next to it was the name: Mynx. Will sighed as he put it down on the wood and nodded his head, 

"Light it up, boys,"

Epps and Fig immediately lit a piece of wood and they all stared as the cloth slowly started burning, 

"Mazikeen Witwicky. It has been an honor fighting side by side with you, through thick and thin,"

"Through fire and snow,"

"You will always be a part of our squad,"

The three saluted as they stayed there, watching the fire burn away the last remaining thing they had symbolizing their sister-in-arms. Then, Jazz transformed slowly and knelt down right behind the three mourning men. He saluted, an unreadable expression in his optics, 

"Rest easy, lil M. We will take care of your friends,"

The rest soon followed after, all kneeling and saluting. The three glanced around as they saw them all kneel and salute their fallen sister.

𝐌𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲Where stories live. Discover now