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Ratchet sighed, 

"I have to find Rover. You need food,"

Mazikeen tilted her head, 

"What about-"


Mazikeen slowly nodded, 


Jazz chuckled as Ratchet left, Mazikeen glanced at him, 

"I think he got tired of me, that's why he left,"

Jazz smiled and finally sat down on the floor, his head right at her level, 

"He likes you, don't worry lil M,"

Mazikeen glanced at him and smiled, 

"Thanks, Jazz,"

Jazz smiled at her and nodded his head, 

"Anytime, lil M...I do have somethin to ask ya,"

Mazikeen nodded, 

"What is it?"

"Why did you shoot Megatron in the eye?"

Mazikeen laughed as the memory played in her head, 

"I did not want to see you get hurt, I just got a gut instinct...and I saw an opening and took it with my personalized sniper...I'm just happy it worked,"

Jazz smiled at her, 

"I plan on repaying you,"

Mazikeen shook her head, 

"Yeah, no you don't have to,"

Jazz put his digit by her shoulder, 

"I will, I have another question for you,"

Mazikeen tilted her head and poked his digit with her finger, 


"Can I be your guardian?"

"My guardian?"

Jazz nodded, 

"Yeah, I asked Optimus and he agreed. It would mean that you are pretty much stuck with me during our free time, and on missions we stick together,"

Mazikeen smiled and nodded, 

"Yeah! That sounds fun,"

Jazz smiled and winked at her, 

"Don't worry, lil M it will be,"

Mazikeen chuckled, 

"Wait, how did you ask him? I did not even notice you two talking since you came in,"

Jazz  rubbed at the back of his neck, 

"Oh, you see...I asked him after mission city, after Bumblebee went on to become Sam's charge,"

Mazikeen frowned, 

"But you guys knew I was dead?"

Jazz sighed,

"I...well...I did not think that you were...I just had a that gut feeling you were talking about,"

Mazikeen smiled and nodded, 

"Okay! You are my guardian then,"

Jazz smiled and nodded, 

"I promise to protect you, lil M,"

Mazikeen winked at him, 

"And I promise to protect you too, Jazz,"

Jazz laughed and stuck out his servo to her and made it into a fist, 

"You humans have something called a fist bump, right?"

Mazikeen laughed and nodded, 

"Epps taught you?"

Jazz nodded, 


Mazikeen lifted up her right hand and created a fist. Jazz softly brought it closer to her and she punched his fist gently and smiled, 


Jazz chuckled as she smiled brightly at him. At that moment, they both felt a pull to each other, but neither knew what it was, so they just smiled at each other and said nothing about it. 

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