New Recruits

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William Lennox was heading into the hanger with Robert Epps and Mazikeen Witwicky following behind him, they were finally going to greet the new recruits and the Autobots. Will turned to his two captains, 

"You two wait here, I will introduce you,"

Mazikeen put a hand on her heart, 

"Awe, you love us,"

Will rolled his eyes at her, 

"Sure, let's go with that,"

Epps laughed and nudged him, 

"Go have your moment, Commander Lennox,"

Will smiled and nodded at the two and opened the doors. Everyone stopped chatting and immediately saluted at him as he stood on the platform, 

"At ease soldiers,"

They all relaxed into trained poses. Will looked them over and felt proud at seeing so many soldiers from different countries, 

"You were brought in here because your Country chose you to serve together with a national secret. Know that what you see and what you hear on this base is top secret, and if you talk about it to anyone else outside of this base, you will be a traitor and suspended. My name is Commander Lennox, you will address me as Commander or sir. If you have any complaints you come to me or my two captains. One of them is the acting Liaison between us and the secret that will be revealed to you in a few minutes. Now. I would like you all to meet Captain Robert Epps and Captain Mazikeen Witwicky."

Everyone stood silent as the two walked in with pride and stopped at either side of Will. They heard a soldier say the unforbidden words, 

"A women? As our Captain? Sir, you must be kidding! Is this to show that equality bullshit? Hey love! Can you make us all a meal while we fight your battles?"

Will and Epp's eyes hardened into a glare. They all heard the car engines rev up for each and every single Autobot. Will crossed his arms, 

"Who said that."

Every soldier backed up and one stepped forward. He had blond hair and blue eyes and a confident smirk on his face, 

"My name is Emmet Santangelo,"

Mazikeen looked at Will and as soon as he saw the look of rage on her face, he shrugged and nodded, 

"Soldiers. We are about to be shown a very good example. One example you all will do well to remember."

Mazikeen walked down the stairs and to the ground where all the soldiers were. Emmet smirked at her and winked, 

"Hey, darling, you coming to give me a kiss good luck?"

Mazikeen's eyes darkened and she smirked, 


She then walked right up to him and punched him square in the nose, everyone winced as they heard a crack sound,

"You bitch!"

Mazikeen looked at him as he slowly stood up, 

"Never. Ever. Call me darling. Never ask me to make you food. I am your captain, and it would do you good to remember that. I can beat your ass in five seconds. I can easily break every bone in your body with my eyes closed. Do NOT test me, soldier,"

He glared and started walking to her again but someone blocked him immediately, 

"Pal, I think you should back down while you can still walk,"

Mazikeen's heart stopped as she heard the familiar voice. She immediately looked up in shock to Will and Epps who were both equally shocked. The guy smirked, 

"That, and you might want to get your broken nose looked at,"

Emmet glared but walked back to the group of soldiers. Will smirked, 

"Soldiers, may I introduce you to our biggest secret, the Autobots!"

All the soldiers gasped as the cars started transforming around them. Mazikeen smiled as she saw all of them. Mazikeen made sure she was in front of the soldiers and cleared her throat for their attention, they immediately turned to look at her, 

"I am the Autobot Liaison, if you have any issues with the Autobots, instead of going to either Commander Lennox or Captain Epps, you come to me first. If you do not, they will only send you to me. The first few days on the base, you will only be training with your appointed squad. After we see that you have grown accustomed to your squad, you will be assigned an Autobot to train with. On this base, there is a human side and an Autobot side, if you wish to find me, I will most likely be on the Autobot side later on the day. We are here to fight for our world, we all want to protect the Earth. Does everyone understand?"

"Yes ma'am!"

Mazikeen winced, 

"No Ma'am talk that makes me feel's sir,"

Some soldiers smiled at that and nodded, 

"Yes sir!"

Mazikeen smiled and nodded. Epps smirked, 

"Now, go to your dorms and get situated. Your list of jobs will be on your assigned bed."

 With that, the soldiers dispersed and started leaving the room. Epps and Will immediately rushed down to Mazikeen, 

"Was that?"

Mazikeen slowly nodded, 


They noticed she was looking around and shared an amused look. Will put a hand on her shoulder, 

"Do you need help finding him?"

Mazikeen glared at him and shook her head, 

"No, I am also not going to go looking for him,"

Epps smirked, 

"You sure about that, Mynx?"

Mazikeen punched his shoulder, 

"I am positive, Epps-"


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