Goodbyes are not Final

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Will looked up as Mazikeen walked inside his office, 

"Hey, Mynx, what's up?"

Mazikeen sighed, 

"Well, Crosshair is being difficult. He only really listens to Optimus or Alex, which is slowly getting on my nerves...but at the same time, I can't say anything since it is their customs, you know?"

Will nodded and stood up. He walked closer to Mazikeen and put his hand on her shoulder, 

"Mynx, if anyone can do this, it's you, okay? I know it's hard right now, hell I still sometimes struggle with some recruits here. Even if we temporarily stopped recruiting for now,"

Mazikeen nodded and looked down, 

"I don't want to mess up again,"

Will frowned and shook his head, 

"Mynx, you never messed up...that whole thing with Sentinel is not your fault. Hell, you almost died fixing that mess up,"

Mazikeen nodded, 

"I guess so-"

"No guess. Maze, you did not mess up. I don't want you thinking that. I fear the day that the Autobots might not have you as their liaison again,"

Mazikeen frowned, 

"No one really spoke to me about what happened when I was gone, just that it felt like a part of them was gone,"

Will looked down and sighed as he felt pain course through him at the memories of that month. Will sat down on the floor and patted a spot next to him. Mazikeen quickly sat next to him, and he wrapped an arm around her as she leaned against him, 

"Well...I'll start at the beginning. Jazz came speeding into my room. I was doing some work, and he ran in with his holo-form, scared me half to death, and told me, you disappeared again. In a very rushed way might I add. It took me a solid second to process what he said. He was freaking out and blaming himself and apologizing, and I hope you did speak to him about it. But then we we started looking. We went to every single place I could think of, and then we checked the places he thought you could be. I called Sarah, and Ironhide went to check around there. We didn't find anything. Samantha tried tracking you with that ring that you gave her...But, still was hard. We started spreading out, Epps was calling in every single person he knew, Eddie called all the first responders, he took Smokescreen and Tex to fan out more...We didn't know what to do...POTUS gave us some leeway because we all fought for the Autobots. The general and I fought tooth and nail to get POTUS to give them a break because we needed to find you. No one spoke to any agency about how you have the AllSpark power by the way, also no one knows about Ham still so don't worry about that. Then Ham started searching different Universes for you, and Ironhide and Ratchet made sure she didn't over-exert herself. It was hard after a week...when two weeks hit some people lost hope and I was getting asked when the memorial was...three weeks and I sent Jazz and Bumblebee to find Sam and Mikaela to tell them...I want you to know that we never gave up hope though, none of us originals,"

Mazikeen sighed and looked at her hands, 

"When I opened my eyes...I was in the middle of a battle. Which is not abnormal for whenever I teleported...But I saw Starscream...and I saw two Autobots I had never seen before, and Arcee had a different color scheme. Megatron refused to die many times, so I didn't really think about it too hard. I knew I could ask Optimus after the battle finished...but then this kid was in the middle of it all, and she was hiding. I got her out using Phoenix before running back in with my lightsaber and twin guns. Phoenix could not get through to Optimus, which is part of our protocol, and I knew something was wrong...I couldn't feel any of the bonds I had...after the battle, I realized that they had no idea who I was. We went back to their base, which was an abandoned military silo, much weirder than our base here...but KIDS knew the Autobots Will! Kids were stuck in this war and I have never felt more scared...No one knew me, they had their own military liaison, this agent called William Fowler...and the kids are Miko, Rafael, and Jack. Jack's mother knows about them, and none of the other parents do. The Autobots are protecting the kids, but still...I can't believe there is a universe where not just soldiers are in this war, but KIDS."

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