Help is Always Around the Corner

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As soon as Ratchet clicked the button to open the door, four Autobots fell through while Optimus had a hand on his face. The four groaned and Sunstreaker yelled, 

"Get off of us!"

Mazikeen just watched in amusement as Ironhide and Jazz got off of the twin brothers. They all immediately ran to Mazikeen and the twin's holo-forms appeared and pulled her into a hug, 

"How are you feeling?"

"You feeling any better?"

Mazikeen chuckled and nodded, 

"Yes, I am feeling much better now,"

Ironhide punched his knuckles together, 

"So, who are we smashing?"

Mazikeen laughed and looked at him, 

"Who said anything about smashing?"

Ironhide pointed to Jazz, 

"He said he gets first punch, but I got second. The twins get the last,"

Mazikeen looked at Optimus with a raised eyebrow and he sighed, 

"I do apologize for them, Mazikeen...but I do not believe that anyone will be able to hold them off,"

Jazz nodded, 

"I won't apologize, Optimus,"

Optimus nodded, 

"I know, but I think it would be wise that this individual remain nameless,"

Mazikeen winced, 

"Uh...well, he does have four soldiers on him right now, so he might not even last that much longer,"

Jazz crossed his arms, 

"What do you mean?"

Mazikeen laughed, 

"What? You think if Fig was allowed to come all the way down here that quickly that the dude would be let off the hook, come on, it's Fig, he's retired with a great discharge pay, and he lives in Florida, he's not scared of anyone. Will was able to get Morshower to allow Fig to come, so he's ready to throw hands. Epps literally tases soldiers the first day of training. Eddie already smashed the dude's face in I think from what I heard,"

Everyone stared in complete shock at what Mazikeen just said as they slowly pieced together what she said. They all turned as they heard soft footsteps and noticed the four soldiers walking in, Fig had his right hand wrapped in tape and a busted lip, and had a giant grin on his face, 

"Mynx! I'm not in jail yet! AND! I'm stealing you for a few hours to fly with me to Florida!"

Mazikeen's jaw dropped, 


Eddie crossed his arms and glared at Fig, 

"Yeah, Fig got first pick,"

Will shook his head, 

"Fig got the first pick because he got punched in the face,"

Mazikeen's eyes widened, 

"You got PUNCHED?"

Ironhide grunted, 

"Tell me you killed him,"

Fig sighed and shook his head, 

"Alas, amigo, Epps pulled me away before I could,"

They all stared at him and Epps raised his hands, 

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