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Jazz opened the door and ducked as another wrench went flying past him, 

"Hey! Hatchet, calm down. It's me!"

Ratchet narrowed his optics at him, 

"You are lucky that I intended to miss,"

Jazz shrugged and sat down on the bed, 

"Sure am, what's up, doc?"

Ratchet sighed and scanned him, 

"I want a better description of what happened."


"Oh, don't give me that scrap. You know what I'm talking about!"

Jazz raised his servos in defense, 

"Fine, fine! I was being stupid. Lil M was being hard on herself a lot, and I was having a hard time just hearing her say those things about herself. Ratchet, she was doubting everything about the AllSpark powers, and she barely understood them cuz she forgot everything. My spark was hurting and I...I just did the first thing I could come up with and I pulled her out from my Alt-mode with my holo-form...and I kissed her. Kissing her made me feel complete...like I was missing something until I kissed her. Then...I got scared cuz she didn't remember me, she was vulnerable, and I took advantage of th-"

Ratchet put a servo on his shoulder, 


Jazz locked optics with him, and Ratchet sighed, 

"Jazz. You would never take advantage of Maze. I don't believe that your spark or processor would ever allow that. You love Mazikeen with your entire spark. That is why you two are sparkmates. You may not have made it official with bonding, but you two have been through so much together in such little time. I know she is in capable hands, and so does everyone else. Otherwise, the twins would have offlined you by now,"

Jazz sighed and smiled at Ratchet, 

"Thanks, doc, who knew you were such a-"

Ratchet raised a wrench, 

"Finish that sentence, and I won't miss this time,"

Jazz immediately raised his servos again and smiled at him,

"I'm kidding, Ratch. But there is something else, right?"

Ratchet sighed and nodded, 

"Yes. I want you to tell me if you notice any changes in Maze, especially over the next few days,"

Jazz frowned, 

"What is it?"

Ratchet glanced at the door, 

"Well, I might be wrong...but I don't think she remembers everything,"

Jazz frowned, 

"Why do you think that?"

"She has a lot of memories. She told me that when it was too much to handle, Barricade helped her calm down and come back to reality, in her words. I think that he may have unintentionally stopped some memories from surfacing to help her cope. But I do have to speak with him again first...but I may be wrong. If I am, she might simply be suppressing some of the pain. But we also need to make sure that her necklace stays on. I also do want to test if she still has control over her powers,"

"That's a long list,"

Ratchet nodded, 

"Yes, it is. I already talked to Will and Optimus about it. Will said that he would be able to spot it if she starts going back to, as he puts it, any of the bad habits she developed during her time on tour."

Jazz frowned, 

"Did he say what they were?"

Ratchet shook his head, 

"No, he said that she would tell us when or if she was ready,"

Jazz sighed and nodded, 


Ratchet smiled and patted his shoulder, 

"Do not worry, Jazz, Maze will be alright. She has us to help her,"

Jazz smiled and nodded, 

"Yes, she does,"

Ratchet nodded and walked over to his equipment, 

"And, I need you to know that you are not allowed to offline any Autobots-"

"Ratch?! You know I would never-"

"Or any human-"


Ratchet narrowed his optics at Jazz, and he shut his mouth. Ratchet smirked, 

"Even if they make advances toward Maze,"

Jazz glared at Ratchet and crossed his arms as he felt his spark tug at him angrily, 

"I won't let anyone flirt with my girl,"

Ratchet rolled his optics, 

"I understand, but you can not resort to violence if they do-"

"I would never!"

"Don't feign innocence with me, Jazz. I have watched how you act around Barricade until you got it through your thick processor that Barricade is only Maze's Amica Endura and nothing else. Then I saw how angry you were when Wheeljack made an appearance to save Maze,"

Jazz grunted and looked down with a shrug, 

"Okay...so maybe...I have a problem with controlling my anger when it comes to Lil M and other people being mean or flirting with her...but...can you blame me?"

Ratchet sighed and shook his head, 

"I can not. She has a spot in my spark, too. I can sense our bond sometimes, and I imagine it is the same for everyone else except you, Barricade, and the twins."

Jazz nodded his head and smirked at Ratchet, 

"I did say that you-"

"Don't finish that sentence,"

Jazz laughed and walked up to Ratchet and leaned against the wall, 

"What should I do?"

Ratchet sighed, 

"Well, you should call her brother. Bumblebee is with him and Mikaela for another day before he comes back. Talk to Sam and Mikaela. Then talk to her squads,"

Jazz sighed, 

"An entire operation,"

Ratchet chuckled and nodded, 

"Yes, it is. It will be worth it for her,"

Jazz nodded his head, 

"It will be, always is,"

Ratchet nodded, 

"Good. Now. Leave, I have work to do,"

Jazz chuckled and patted his shoulder, 

"Thank you for the talk, Ratch,"

Ratchet rolled his optics, 

"Yes, yes, now go,"

Jazz laughed as he left.


OKAY HIIIII! I know this is short, but I wanted to get something out to y'all ASAP. Hope you liked this lil bonding moment between Ratchet and Jazz B)

More out within the next few days <3

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