A Feud?

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Jazz huffed and crossed his arms when Ratchet locked the door again. He looked at the younger twins and glared at them, 

"Why are you two here?"

Sideswipe jabbed his digit to the door, 

"Aero is our sister now, we want to make sure she is alright,"

Sunstreaker glared right back at Jazz and walked up to him, 

"If you got a problem with that bud, see yourself out cuz we are not leaving our little sister when you guys lost her the first time,"

Jazz nudged them, 

"She is not your sister. She is a human who I am protecting,"

Sideswipe shook his head, 

"She is our sister. We bonded with her,"

Jazz immediately stopped, and his arms fell to his side, 

"You...you what?"

Sideswipe frowned and looked down, 

"We...we bonded with her. She is our sister now, by every law in the book pretty much."

Sunstreaker nodded and crossed his arms again, 

"And if you or any or any other Cybertronians mess with her, you gotta go through us."

Jazz shook his head, 

"It's impossible,"

Sideswipe shook his head, 

"We are living examples that it is."

Jazz shook his head and tapped his helmet, 


"Yes, Jazz?"

"Come over to the medical bay right now,"

"On my way, is Mazikeen alright?"

"I have no idea, sir,"

It took a few minutes before Optimus came, 

"What happened?"

Jazz pointed at the twins, 

"Ask them,"

Optimus's optics widened in confusion, 

"What happened?"

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker glanced at each other before sighing, 

"Sit down, you will need to,"

Optimus slowly nodded but sat down, and Jazz followed suit. Sideswipe started the story,

"We landed after we heard your message. Then we figured out our long-range comms were busted in the landing and started driving around, hoping to figure out how to get to you. Then we ran into some cons and started fighting them,"

"Then we heard a loud pop sound and looked up to see Aero falling out of the sky in her Phoenix suit thing. I caught her before she made contact with the Earth and she grumbled and then her suit powered on and she cursed a bit but immediately joined in on the fighting,"

"Then a big explosion knocked us all, and she fell to the ground, and we covered her."

"Then...we felt a tug..."

"And we knew that we bonded with her, cuz we have the same bond with each other,"

"We don't know how that happened...but it happened,"

"And then she started floating, not using those things in phoenix to fly, but she was floating and floated to in front of us,"

"Then she said begone, and BOOM! They all offlined!"

"Then she fell and we caught her again and started driving to get her here,"

"We did have to stop at a store to get her some wrap for her wound but after we did that we were on our merry way again,"

Jazz's optics widened at the same time as Optimus'. Optimus stood up and looked at the door to the medical bay, 

"There is something about our newest friend that we do not know...and I think she herself does not yet know,"

The three Autobots around him frowned. Jazz stood up, 

"Will she be alright?"

Optimus nodded, 

"I have faith in Mazikeen,"

Sideswipe nudged his brother, 

"Told you,"

Sunstreaker glared at him,

"I was the one that got that liquid to clean it,"

"And who stopped her from knocking our holo-forms out?"

Jazz glanced at the two,

"What are you two on about this time?"

Sideswipe glanced at him,

"We cleaned Aero's stab wound,"

Optimus tilted his head, 

"How? You two are not trained in medical procedures,"

Sunstreaker smirked, 

"I googled it, and it said alcohol helps clean the wounds,"

The door opened and Ratchet stormed out, 

"Did you two just say alcohol?"

The twins winced and nodded. Ratchet sighed and nodded, 

"Okay. Good. You two come with me. If you so much as touch anything, I am throwing you back out with the help of Ironhide,"

He looked at Optimus and Jazz and shook his head, 

"Sorry, but I do not have enough space for anyone else,"

Jazz slumped back down and grumbled as he saw the three go back in. Optimus sighed and put a hand on his shoulder, 

"Jazz. Mazikeen will be alright,"

Jazz shook his head, 

"You don't know that...none of us do,"

"We have to have hope,"

"We don't know what is going on with her. She fragging bonded with those two after just meeting them!"

Optimus sighed and nodded, 

"True, we do not understand our friend, but we will learn so we can help her overcome this task,"

Jazz sighed and closed his optics, 

"How can I help her?"

"By being there for her. By being her guardian and her friend,"

Jazz sighed and nodded, 

"I will, I promise,"

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