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Mazikeen looked around the dark place, 

"Hello? Sunstreaker? Sides? Jazz?"

She heard footsteps and she looked around until she closed her eyes. When she closed them, she felt wind against her face and when she opened them again, she was in a park, 

"What the frag?"

Mazikeen heard a chuckle from behind her and turned to see a man smirking at her.

Mazikeen heard a chuckle from behind her and turned to see a man smirking at her

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"Who the frag are you?"

The man smiled at her, 

"You most likely heard of me from your name is Primus,"

Mazikeen gasped, 

"THE Primus?! Like the actual creator of Cybertronians?"

Primus nodded, 

"Yes, that Primus,"

Mazikeen frowned, 

"Why are you in your holo-form?"

Primus smiled softly at her, 

"I wished to not scare you, young Mazikeen,"

"How do you know my name?"

Primus chuckled, 

"Because I see and know all,"

Mazikeen slowly nodded, 

"Yeah, totally, that makes sense,"

Primus chuckled and put a hand on her shoulder, 

"You, my dear, possess the very power that can bring Cybertron back,"

Mazikeen frowned in confusion, 

"What do you mean?"

Primus smiled softly at her, 

"You honestly think that just any human can bond with Cybertronians the way you have?"

Mazikeen shrugged. Primus chuckled softly and nodded, 

"You think it was odd that you were responsible for offlining all those Decepticons, do you not?"

Mazikeen shrugged, 

"Dude, I have no idea what is going on,"

Primus chuckled and held out his hand, 

"Let me explain,"

Mazikeen glanced at his hand before nodding, 

"Got nothin else to lose,"

Primus smiled shortly before everything changed around them, and as Mazikeen looked around, all she saw was metal, metal, not metal, cybertronian. Primus nodded, 

"Welcome to the Palace of the Primes,"


Primus winked at her, 

"You need a backstory,"

Mazikeen slowly nodded, 


Primus led her down the halls until they came upon a throne. Primus walked up to it and sat down on the stairs, and Mazikeen followed him. Primus smiled sadly and looked at the walls, 

"Cybertron started dying, my spark was getting weaker...then the All Spark was finally off the planet, and Megatron went after it immediately. My dear child, the All Spark is more than just a cube,"

Mazikeen tilted her head, 

"How is it more than a cube?"

Primus smiled softly, 

"The cube was a placeholder for the power and knowledge of the All Spark. Now, because you destroyed it by putting it into Megatron, the All Spark needed a new vessel,"

Mazikeen's eyes widened, 

"And that vessel is me?"

Primus nodded, 

"Correct. You, Mazikeen Witwicky, are the new All Spark. You contain the entire power of the All Spark,"

Mazikeen frowned, 


Primus chuckled, 

"You can teleport, but the All Spark does it for you, you will most likely not master that until you gain the knowledge to do so. You can heal and offline the Cybertronians, however the offline is only in dire situations such as the one you were in with your new brothers. You will figure out the rest of your abilities at a later time,"

Mazikeen sighed and looked at him, 

"How am I worthy?"

Primus put a hand on her shoulder, 

"You have always been worth, Mazikeen. You fight for what you believe in and for who you believe in. You are your own person, as you humans say. You were always destined for greatness, and I truly believe that. You build your very own weapons and armor, and you will do great things,"

Mazikeen sighed, 

"How did I bond with the twins?"

Primus chuckled, 

"My child, you have bonds with all of the Autobots you have met. There are three that are the strongest, the two familial bonds that you have and one more that you will one day learn about. I assure you, you are special,"

Mazikeen nodded, 

"How can I see the bonds?"

Primus smiled softly at her, 

"Close your eyes and focus."

Mazikeen closed her eyes and focused on the pull her heart had done. She was easily able to envision seven cords, two were silver, and she immediately knew those were her brothers, 

"Woah, can they see this too?"

Primus smiled and shook his head, 

"Cybertronians can not see the bonds they have, they can only feel them. Now, you should wake up, your friends are worried,"

Mazikeen smiled and nodded, 

"Goodbye, Primus,"

"Goodbye, Mazikeen,"

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