Making Amends

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It was dark around the base. Jazz used his alt mode to be quiet as he drove down the halls toward the room he was looking for. He parked outside of it and turned on his holo-form. He ran a hand through his hair nervously, and he knocked on the door,

"Come in,"

Jazz glanced around one more time before walking in. He found Mazikeen fiddling around with a gadget at her workbench and he cleared his throat. Mazikeen immediately turned around, 


Jazz smiled nervously and waved at her, 

"Hi, lil M,"

Mazikeen crossed her arms and frowned, 

"What do you want? You need to get something else off your chest? I think you got most of it off a few hours ago."

Jazz sighed and stopped himself from walking closer to her, 

"I know I don't deserve you to forgive me...but I wanted to say I'm sorry,"

Mazikeen turned back around, 


Jazz felt his spark tug painfully again, and he winced. He slowly walked closer to the bench and stopped right beside her, 

"Maze...look at me,"

Mazikeen shook her head and continued working. Jazz frowned and nodded, 

"'ll tell you spark has been feeling off lately,"

Mazikeen immediately put down her gadget and turned to him with a concerned look, 


Jazz crossed his arms and nodded, 

"Yeah...Ratchet said he has a few ideas, but told me that it is not harmful and that I have to figure it out by myself...and I've been thinking about it a lot so I...I took it out on someone I care know I'm the worst guardian ever and if you want me to be replaced and have someone else watch over you, I'll talk to Optimus about it-"

Mazikeen immediately stood up and pulled Jazz into a hug, he tensed up before immediately relaxing and hugging her back. Mazikeen smiled at him, 

"You are not a bad guardian, Jazz. You are the best one ever, don't doubt that. I'm sorry I pushed you earlier, I should have just let it be...and I promise that I'll help you figure out the problem with your spark...and if Ratchet says it's harmless, maybe it's not a problem with your spark, but maybe your spark is yearning something,"

Jazz tilted his head in confusion, 


Mazikeen nodded, 

"Yeah! Like you want something so bad, that your heart wants it too, or in this case, your spark."

Jazz slowly nodded, 

"How do I find out what my spark is yearning for?"

Mazikeen winked at him, 

"By following it,"

Jazz sighed, 

"I don't know how to,"

Mazikeen nudged him, 

"Well, time to figure that out, one step closer,"

Jazz nodded, 

"One step closer,"

Jazz then looked around at the workbench and looked back at her, 

"Are you not supposed to be sleeping?"

Mazikeen blushed and scratched the back of her head, 


"You can't sleep?"

Mazikeen sighed and nodded, 


Jazz nodded, 

"Do you want me to stay in here until you do?"

Mazikeen smiled and nodded, 

"Yeah, I would,"

Jazz smiled and sat down on the bench, 

"I'll sit here until you do,"

Mazikeen smiled, 

"Thank you,"

Jazz smiled at her, 

"Think of it as my apology,"

Mazikeen chuckled and nodded, 

"Now you just gotta get Sun and Sides-"

"Oh no,"

Mazikeen blushed and nodded, 


Jazz groaned, 

"That's going to be hell,"

Mazikeen shrugged and winked at him, 

"Worth it for your favorite charge!"

Jazz gave her a look, 

"You are my only charge,"


Jazz chuckled, 

"Goodnight, lil M,"

"Goodnight, Jazz,"

Jazz did stay until she was finally asleep, he did stay a few extra minutes because for once, he felt his spark was at peace, and he still was not sure why. As soon as he left the room, he was pushed against the door by another holo-form, 


Jazz's eyes widened at the blond, 

"Oh, hi-"

"You hurt Aero. I told you to never hurt her. You hurt her,"

Sideswipe was trying his best to get his twin off of Jazz, to no luck. Jazz frowned, 

"I know. I know. You think I don't know?? I snapped! I wasn't thinking I wasn't feeling anything. I snapped and I hurt someone I also care about. Trust me, I felt the pain in my spark too when I yelled at her and it is the biggest regret I have in all the vorn I have lived."

Sunstreaker glared at him, 

"You do not know how painful it is to feel your sibling's pain in your spark,"

Jazz nodded, 

"I know I don't. But that doesn't mean I don't regret it with every alloy in me,"

Sideswipe finally got Sunstreaker to let him go and Jazz put his hands up, 

"I don't know why she forgave me...but she did and I will work on making it up to her. But I don't want to make a lot of noise because she just went to sleep,"

Sunstreaker crossed his arms, 

"Just because she does. Does not mean I do,"

Sideswipe sighed, 

"Ignore him. We know Aero forgives you, we felt it. But you fragged up big-time Jazz. It's going time for us to forgive you in our sparks,"

Jazz nodded, 

"I know. I'll work on that too, I am sorry,"

"Sorry does not always cut it."

"I know it doesn't and I don't want any easy pass, trust me I know I don't deserve it. But I plan on making it up to you and her,"


Jazz sighed in relief, 

"We square?"


Sideswipe was the one to quickly respond after elbowing Sunstreaker. Sunstreaker just nodded, and the three departed once more. 

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