Chapter 9: Please Don't Go (Wyatt Flores)

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I wake up finding myself already checking my phone as soon as I wake. Still there is no reply. I get out of bed making a plan for the day.

First I'm gonna get showered and dressed. Then I'm gonna head over to S.H.I.E.L.D HQ so I can talk to Natasha, if she's not there I'll go to the compound. Either way I'm talking to her today.

I take out a pair of Panda dunks, black jeans, white plain t shirt, grey hoodie, and white socks.


After my shower I put on my clothes and do my morning routine.

When I'm done I grab my keys and phone going out to my car. I get in turning on some music. When I'm all situated in my car I head over to S.H.I.E.L.D HQ to hopefully find Natasha.


When I get to HQ I park my car near the entrance. Before I go in I sit in my car a bit nervous. After a bit I get out of my car and go in.

When I enter my presence isn't questioned as I've been here multiple times before. In fact I'm greeted by the man at the desk. As I wander around looking for Natasha I accidentally bump into someone.

I quickly help pick up whatever I've caused them to drop when I notice who it is.

Adley: Atlas, what are you doing here?

Atlas: I'm looking for Natasha, have you seen her?

Adley: Yeah she's on the second floor.

Atlas: Ok thank you. Sorry for making you drop stuff.

I go to keep walking but she stops me.

Adley: We haven't talked since the other night you doing ok?

Atlas: Yeah, I just gotta talk to Natasha.

I break free of her grip and keep walking. I go into the elevator up to the second floor like Adley said. When I get off I look around not seeing her. I walk down a hallway with offices hoping to find hers. While I'm walked ng I hear my name and turn around.

Natasha: Atlas?

Atlas: There you are. I've been looking for you.

Natasha: What are you doing here?

Atlas: Listen, we need to talk.

Natasha: I'm working.

She continues to walk down the hallway and I follow.

Atlas: Hey, I've waited two days for you to answer the least you can do is give me 5 minutes.

Natasha: I don't owe you anything.

Atlas: I'm not saying you do, I just want to talk.

While we're walking past Fury's office he walks out.

Fury: What's going on? Atlas?

Atlas: Hey Fury. Do you mind if I talk to Nat for a minute?

Fury: Of course not, go ahead.

He walks back into his office and I look back at her. She's giving me a weird look.

Natasha: Are you drunk?

Atlas: What, no. Why would I be drunk it's like 2.

Natasha: What do you want?

Atlas: I just want to talk to you.

Natasha: Well can we talk later? I'm busy.

Atlas: Yeah. You want me to wait in your office or something?

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