Chapter 14: Happy Instead (Zach Bryan)

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I'm currently sat with Carl at a nearby bar having a "proper Gallagher homecoming" which is pretty much just drinking all night. Who am I to complain though?

Carl: So she didn't even tell you?

Atlas: Nope.

Carl: What a dick move.

Atlas: That's what I'm saying.

I take a drink of my beer and look around the bar. To my surprise I see a familiar face across the room. Apparently my brother does as well.

Carl: Hey isn't that-

Atlas: Madelyn.

Carl: You should go say hey.

Atlas: I'm here with you man-

Carl: Go talk to her. Maybe it'll help you get over Natasha.

Atlas: I tried already and she rejected me.

Carl: What? When?

Atlas: She came to New York and we went on a date but she said she doesn't want to be my rebound.

Carl: Who said you gotta date?

Atlas: I don't know man I don't wanna use her like that.

Carl: Not like y'all ain't done it together before.

Atlas: I know, but this time is different.

Carl: Just go over, no intentions. Whatever happens happens.

Atlas: Alright.

Carl: There ya go!

He says patting my shoulder, pushing me a bit. Instead of just going over to her I decided to buy her a drink. I walk over to the bar and wait for the bartender.

Bartender: Hey what can I get you?

Atlas: Can you get that girl over there another round of whatever she's drinking and tell her it's from me.

I point over to Madelyn and he nods. He makes her drink taking it over to her and pointing to me. She looks over at me and smiles. She gets up walking over to me.

Madelyn: Hey!

Atlas: Hey!

She gives me a hug.

Madelyn: What are you doing here?

Atlas: I felt it was best to leave New York, came to live with my brother.

I point over to Carl.

Madelyn: Oh yea, I remember him, the cop right?

Atlas: Yea.

Madelyn: Well I'm glad your here.

She says kindly.

Atlas: I was kind of nervous coming over after what happened last time we hung out.

Madelyn: Don't worry about it alright.

Things go silent for a moment until she chimes in again.

Madelyn: Hey, you and your brother should come over with me and my friends!

Atlas: Yea let me go ask him.

I walk back over to Carl.

Atlas: She wants to know if we wanna go over and hangout with her friends.

Carl: Yea, let's go.

We walk back over to her and go over to her and her friends. As Madelyn introduced us to her friends I notice one of her friends looking at me. I look back at her and notice how closely she resembles Natasha.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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