Chapter 4: Dial Drunk (Noah Kahan)

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I wake up and turn to see the time. My phone says it's noon so I decide to get out of bed. I go to the kitchen and start to make a cup of coffee for myself. As I'm making my coffee my phone starts to buzz. I check it and see that Madelyn is calling me so I pick up.

Madelyn: Hey Atlas.

Atlas: What's up?

Madelyn: We haven't talked since the other night I wanted to make sure you were ok.

Atlas: Oh yeah no I'm good. Anything else?

Madelyn: A couple of friends and I are going out tonight we wanted to know if you'd like to come with us.

Atlas: Uh sure yeah. What time and where?

Madelyn: Lux, be there around 7.

Atlas: Sounds good to me talk to you later.

Madelyn: See you soon.

I hang up and continue to drink my coffee. I head to my room and start to make my outfit. I know I've got a while but I like to be prepared.

I pick out a pair of black flexible dress pants that hug me in just the right ways to show off my leg muscles but not so tight I can't walk, a loose fitting black short sleeve dress shirt with black flower embroidered all over it that hugs my arms nicely, a pair of black and grey Nike dunks, cologne, and silver accessories such as necklaces and rings.

When I'm done getting my outfit for later I grab a pair of boxers grey shorts and grey shirt for after I get out of the shower. I get into the shower letting the hot water run over my body. I think about tonight. I don't know if she wants me there as a friend or if she wants something to happen tonight. I brush it off for now and continue to wash my body.

When I get out of the shower I put on my clothes I left out for after my shower, and start my morning routine. I haven't don't it in a couple days so I figure I might as well do it today. I do my routine consisting of washing my face, using a guasha roller on my face, and brushing my teeth.

I don't really know what to do. I feel like I've been really lazy lately so instead of going and watching TV I decide to go for a run.


I just finished my run and I check my watch to see that I ran 2.6 miles. Jeez I really needed that. I see that it's now around 3:45 so I go back into my house and get another shower this time just to rinse off all the sweat. I take a bit longer this time since I took my phone in with me so I could listen to music.

I get out of the shower and throw on a pair of boxers until it's time for me to get ready. It's now almost 5 so I just decide to lounge around for a while.

While I'm watching TV I hear a knock at the door. I get up to go open it, but I'm confused I don't remember making plans for today other than the club tonight. I open the door and a girl in a delivery outfit is at my door, funny u didn't order anything. She's looking at her clipboard not paying attention to me.

Delivery lady: Is this Atlas Wright?

Atlas: Yeah that's me. I didn't order anything though so I don't know why you're here.

She looks up at me and goes to speak until she sees me. I forgot I'm only in my boxers.

Atlas: Oh sorry, wasn't expecting anyone.

I grab a pillow and cover my boxers with it. She shakes her head as if she's snapping out of some sort of trance.

Delivery lady: Uhm, yeah, this was sent to you.

Atlas: From who?

Delivery lady: I don't know it should say it on the card.

She hands me a small bundle of roses with a note in the middle.

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