Chapter 6: New Truck (Dylan Scott)

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It's been about 3 weeks now and I'm sitting in the doctor's office getting my casts off my hands. Thank God I don't think I could've waited any longer.

Doctor: And.... You're done.

He says cutting the rest of my cast off.

Atlas: Thank God.

I say and wiggle my fingers around a bit.

Doctor: For the first week or so I'd say take it easy. No hand sports, things that'll put a lot of pressure on your hands.

Atlas: What about the guitar?

Doctor: As long as your not playing like August Rush you should be good.

Atlas: Ok. Thank you doc.

Doctor: Of course. Have a nice day.

Atlas: You as well.

I walk out of the doctors office with May. We walk into the elevator when may speaks.

May: Are you staying at the apartment any longer or are you going back to your house?

Atlas: I'll probably go back to my house.

May: You sure? You know you can stay with me as long as you would like.

Atlas: I'm ok, May. Thank you though.


I'm standing outside of my house with all my stuff I had at Mays in hand ready to walk into my house.

I walk in and see clothes on the floor and trash everywhere. I take my stuff into my room and start to clean up a bit.

I take all the clothes and put them in my laundry room to be cleaned, I then take a trash bag and put all the trash into it. The house is looking a lot better now that it's clean. I look at the flowers on the table and empty out the water throwing the flowers away.

While I'm cleaning my phone starts to ring. I pick it up and it's Tony so I answer.

Atlas: What's up Tony?

Tony: We haven't talked in a couple weeks, you doin alright.

Atlas: Yeah, I've just been healing.

Tony: I get it, breakups suck.

Atlas: I was talking about my hands but ok.

Tony: Oh. So when you gonna pick your stuff up?

Atlas: I don't know, why?

Tony: Well I figured whenever you do we can hang out that day.

Atlas: I mean I can today if you're not busy.

Tony: Yeah that sounds good.

Atlas: Alright man. Do you think you could take me to get my motorcycle? It's still at the club.

Tony: Yeah. Where do you wanna go?

Atlas: Doesn't matter to me.

Tony: Would you be cool if we just stayed at the Compound and hung out?

Atlas: Yeah that sounds good. Can you pick me up?

Tony: Yeah I'll be over in an hour.

Atlas: Ok see you later Tony.

I hang up and get in the shower cleaning my body without my casts for the first time in a month.


After I get out of the shower I throw on a pair of Light blue denim jeans, navy blue sweater, air force 1's and some jewelry.

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