Chapter 10: All I ask (Adele)

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Time skip 2 days

Today is the day I go to see Natasha at the water fountain and I'm really nervous. I want to know why she won't talk to me, but I guess I'll know tonight.

I have a plan though if tonight doesn't go well. It's honestly not a great idea but I don't think there's any other choice.

I have to set up for my plan as if I have to do it and I don't have the stuff ready, I don't think I ever will.

I'm packing my clothes into boxes and other things I may need. I go out into my garage and start to load the boxes into the back. Once all the boxes are packed I go back inside my house to get ready for the next part.

I grab my keys and wallet and go back to my truck. I get in and leave, driving to the phone store. When I get there I'm greeted by an employee.

Employee: Hello sir, how can I help you today?

Atlas: I'm looking to get a new phone.

Employee: Any specific model?

Atlas: No sir.

Employee: Alright come with me.

He leads me over to the apple section and talks to me about the different phones. I settle on a new iPhone 14. When I pick out the color he takes me over to the counter.

Employee: Would you like to switch over your contacts?

Atlas: Actually I was wondering if you could do something for me.

Employee: Yes sir, what might that be?

Atlas: I was wondering if there was anyway that I could start just fresh, brand new, on this phone. Only adding a couple contacts.

Employee: Yes sir. Would you like it to be a brand new number?

Atlas: Yeah. Also, is there any way that if I don't need this I can just bring it back?

Employee: Yes.

Atlas: Ok thank you.

I buy the phone and leave the store. When I get back to my truck I start to add a couple of contacts. I only add Peter, May, Tony, Bucky, and my family members.

I take the phone and place it on my passenger seat. I start my truck back up and head back home.

When I get home I walk back inside and start to write some letters. The first one is to Peter.


I know you're probably confused as to why I'm writing you a letter, but it's important. If you are reading this letter it's because something happened and I can't stay here anymore. I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye, but I had to get out of here. This is my new phone number so if you ever need me, just call. I really am sorry I couldn't say goodbye. Let May read this as well. If you ever need me don't hesitate to call. It's not anything you did, it's just something I have to do. I love you both.


If Natasha asks for my new number please I beg do not give her this new number.

- Atlas Wright.

I write one similar to Bucky and Tony. In the letter to Tony and Bucky though it stretches out the not giving Nat my new number more. I put the letter into envelopes labeled for the desired people and get ready for tonight.

I look in my closet and put on a pair of black joggers, a white t shirt, a grey hoodie, and socks and shoes. I don't have much left as most of my clothes are packed up. It's not time yet so I sit in my living room for a bit.

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