Chapter 3: Bandaid On A Bullet Hole (Morgan Wallen)

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I wake up to the sound of a call on my phone. I open my eyes and check to see who's calling me. I squint at the brightness of my phone and see that my old friend Connor Heagen is the person calling me.

Atlas: Connor, hey, what's up man?

Connor: What's up? Dude have you not seen your TikTok?!

Atlas: No, why?

Connor: Dude! You're famous!

Atlas: What are you talking about?

Connor: Check your TikTok, right now!

Atlas: Alright, alright.

I open my phone fully and go to TikTok checking my inbox.

Atlas: Holy shit! I have like 1,000+ notifications. How? I haven't even posted anything?

Connor: What are you talking about? You posted a video last night.

Atlas: What video?

Connor: Go see dude!

I go to my account page and see i did post a video last night. Holy shit! It has 245K views. Oh my God! It's the video of me singing! I must have accidentally posted last night!

Connor: Do you see it?

Atlas: Yeah, yeah I see it.

Connor: Bro! You gained like 45k followers over night!

Atlas: Holy shit! What do I do? I've never been internet famous before.

Connor: You know what, tonight we're goin out to a bar. My treat.

Atlas: Oh Uhm, ok!

Connor: I mean you don't have plans tonight, right?

Atlas: No, no.

Connor: Alright! I'll text you the info later man.

Atlas: Alright. Talk to you later.

Connor: See ya.

I hang up and lay on my back thinking. How did this happen? Did I accidentally post it? Or did I post it and just forget? I decide to go through the comments, there's a lot of em so might as well start now.

After about an hour of reading and replying to comments I decided to stop. 1 because I'm hungry and 2 because I'm tired of scrolling with no end. A lot of the comments were people saying they liked my voice or teenage girls saying I'm hot.

I get myself out of my bed and into the shower. Once I'm done in the shower and I put on a pair of grey Nike shorts, white loose compression shirt, socks, boxers, and Nike blazers.

I go into the kitchen and fix myself a protein shake and a snack. After my snack a shake are made I plop down on the couch and watch some TV.

I get a text from Connor around 5 telling me to meet him at the Lounge on main bar at 6. Instead of waiting till 6 I decide to leave now. I go into my driveway and get in my car. I start the car and head to the address he sent me.

Once I get to the bar I walk in and see there's not a lot of people. I sit at one of the barstools and a bartender comes up to me.

Bartender: Hey.

Atlas: Hi.

Bartender: What can I get ya?

Atlas: A vodka tonic.

Bartender: Vodka tonic? Come on! Test me a lil it's my first drink of the night.

Atlas: Uh I don't know. A negroni?

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