Chapter 5: Close With desires (Teo Glaciers)

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It's now the next day and as I promised May I'm on my way to go talk to Natasha. I don't want to but I told May I would. It's not like I really had a way to get out of it anyway. I'm living in her apartment and she's the one that has drive me. We arrive at the compound so I tell her to drive into the garage so I can walk in. She parks the car and waits for me.

Atlas: I don't know how long I'll be.

May: That's ok. I'll be here when you're done.

I walk to the door and go to knock until I look at the casts on my hands. I don't really know what to do so I just bang my forehead on the door a couple of times. No one answers so I do it again. Again no answer so I do it one more time.

Finally someone showed up at the door. It's Tony. He opens the door as he hysterically laughs.

Atlas: What's so funny?

Tony: I waited to see if you would do it again, and you did it twice.

He continues to laugh.

Atlas: I woulda knocked regularly but I couldn't.

I show him my hands and he stops laughing.

Tony: Oh shit. That from the other night?

Atlas: Yeah.

Tony: Damn.

He lets me in and I sit at the island.

Atlas: Where's Natasha?

Tony: In her room.

Atlas: Is Steve there?

Tony: No.

Atlas: Ok.

I stand up to go to Natasha's room when Tony stops me.

Tony: Are you gonna go talk to her?

Atlas: Yeah, why?

Tony: She's pretty mad at you.

Atlas: Yeah well that makes two of us.

I leave and go to the elevator hitting the floor for Natasha's room with my foot. When the door opens I wait for a couple seconds and head out. I go to Natasha's room and I yet again can't knock, but this time I just speak.

Atlas: Can I come in?

I hear the door lock unclick but I can't open the door so I have to ask for help.

Atlas: Can you uh, open the door.

She opens the door, not enough to see me.

Natasha: Why couldn't you just open the door yourself?

I lift up my hands and her eyes widen. She looks at my hands, nose, and then face looking at all the damage Steve did to me.

Atlas: Can I come in?

Natasha: Of course.

She opens the door enough for me to get in and closes it locking it.

Atlas: Sit we need to talk.

She gives me a confused look but sits on her bed.

Atlas: I don't want to be here, but I told May I would talk to you so here I am.

I don't really know where to start as I fear if I start I may never stop.

Atlas: I don't know where to start.

I say honestly.

Natasha: What are you trying to talk to me about.

Atlas: Feelings or some shit I don't know. I guess she wants me to tell you about how I'm feeling.

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