Chapter 11: Water Fountain (Alec Benjamin)

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I start my truck back up and start heading towards our meeting spot. On the drive my mind floods with thoughts, good and bad. My hands start to shake on the wheel a bit as how nervous I am. What does she have to say? What's going on?

After what seems like forever I finally arrive at the park with our water fountain. I park my car at the entrance looking around for Natasha. I don't see anyone so I stay in my truck for a bit.

I look around again and see Nat I go to get out of the truck when I see Steve following behind her. I immediately start to think of the worst.

I see her walk towards the fountain and turn around she sees Steve and gets upset.

He walks towards her and kisses her pulling her closer to him. After what feels like forever they finally let go. He whispers something in her ear and she looks over at me. She visibly stops and I can almost see her shed a tear. She wipes it away and stands a bit taller.

I get out of my car, my knees shaking. I almost can't walk. My heart feels like it's just been torn up all over again. I slam the door shut and walk towards them.

Atlas: So this is what you had to tell me?

Natasha: Atlas-

Atlas: No, fuck you.

I go over to Steve and punch him in the face. He falls to the ground and gets back up immediately. He goes to hit me but Nat stops him. I just stare at her unable to speak.

Atlas: You could've just told me you didn't love me anymore.

Natasha: Please listen.

Atlas: No, I don't wanna hear your shit anymore.

I feel tears fall from my eyes and I can't take it anymore.

Atlas: Fuck you.

I walk away still crying. I feel her hand on my shoulder and I turn to her.

Atlas: Don't fucking touch me.

Natasha: Please just hear me out.

Atlas: No, just leave me alone.

I shake her hand off of me and continue to walk to my truck. I get into my truck and close the door. She still follows me trying to make me stop. I back up and drive away. She runs after me stopping when my truck gets too far.

I can't stop crying and it's hard to see. I pull over and wipe my eyes. I pull out my phone and text May, Tony, and Bucky to open the letter. My phone is buzzing non stop with texts from Natasha.

I get out of my truck and sit near the edge of the ocean. I hold my phone in my hand starting at the texts coming up. Tears still flooding my eyes. I stand up and tighten my grip around my phone. I throw my phone into the water yelling. I sit back down crying.

After a bit I get back up and walk back to my truck. I get in and grab the box with my new phone. I activate it and see texts from May, Buck, and Tony.

I quickly answer them and then put my phone back down. I start my truck back up again and start driving. I already know where I'm going, but it's going to be a long drive. South Carolina here I come.


Short I know I'm sorry. I was just tryna get this part of the story started. This is the part of the story where it's gonna get fun ngl. I hope y'all still enjoy the book.

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