Chapter 13: Tmrw (Jake Cornell)

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I've been driving for the past 11 hours non stop. I've only stopped for food, gas, and the restroom. I haven't slept in what feels like days. I'm only 5 minutes away from my destination.

It's almost 4 in the morning when I arrive. I get out of my truck leaving everything inside. I walk up to the front door of the house and knock on it. Since it's pouring I become drenched. I hear someone yelling and then the door opens. My brother.

Carl: Atlas?

Atlas: Yeah, it's me.

Carl: What the hell are you doing here this late?

Atlas: Sorry, I didn't know where else to go.

He nods and welcomes me inside. I see Caroline come down the stairs pissed off.

Caroline: Who the hell is knocking on our door at four in the morning.

I step into the light so she can see me.

Caroline: Oh my God, Atlas.

She runs and gives me a hug.

Atlas: Hey Caro.

She let's go of me and immediately starts questioning me.

Caroline: What's wrong?

Atlas: Do you mind if we talk about this tomorrow. I'm really tired, I haven't slept in 11 hours.

Carl: What's going on man?

Caroline: Where's Nat?

I cringe at her name. I stumble into the living room barely able to stay awake for the conversation. Carl sits next to me and checks my eyes.

Carl: Are you drunk?

Atlas: I wish.

He gets back up and walks over to Caroline. They whisper something to each other and then look back at me.

Caroline: Go to sleep Atlas, we'll talk in the morning.

I nod and immediately fall asleep on their couch.


I wake up due to bright light shining into my eyes. I open my eyes and look around. I see Caroline and Carl sitting in the kitchen with James and Leah. I check my phone and look at the time, 1 Pm. Jeez I needed that sleep.

I slowly get up and rub my eyes. I immediately stop as it hurts when I do. Carl notices I'm awake and nods to Caroline. Caroline takes the kids upstairs while Carl comes and sits next to me.

Carl: You want some food or something to drink?

Atlas: When did you become a people pleaser.

I joke.

Carl: I didn't.

He punches me in the shoulder.

Carl: Seriously though, you need anything?

Atlas: Water would be nice.

He nods and gets up grabbing me a bottle of water. He brings it in and sits back down. I take a sip and put the bottle back down. Caroline comes back downstairs without the kids and sits next to me on my other side.

Caroline: You ready to talk yet?

I nod taking another sip of my drink.

Caroline: What's goin on?

Atlas: We uh, we broke up. Natasha and I.

I almost can't say her name, pain still being fresh.

Carl: That doesn't explain why you showed up at 4 in the morning.

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