Prologue: The World behind the Curtains

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In a world brimming with superpowers known as "Quirks", comes a superhuman society. It all began in China, in Qingqing City. There was news of a baby that was glowing, born. Ever since then, superpowers began appearing in various places as they became the new normal. The cause never got identified as many dreams eventually became reality.

80% of the world's population were born with Quirks. And 20% of them weren't born with one, making them Quirkless.

Within this society, there are those who exploit their Quirks-these are called Villains. When evil rises, there will always be those who also rise in the name of justice, thus, marking the birth of Heroes; a new profession that rose along with the superhuman society.

Even if the actions of Heroes were enough to secure a future filled with peace, they will soon learn that something they built can't last-eventually needing help from those whom they didn't expect to get help from.


"Ziko, wake up!"

A Quirkless 19-year-old boy, Ziko Rodriguez, woke up from his slumber as he sat up.

He faced the cabin of the dual turbo propped plane he rode in as his eyes went to the cockpit and to the person piloting the aircraft. Her purple hair was tied into a ponytail with her top being a dark blue flight jacket. This is Yukina Hikolyotov, a 21-year-old pilot who is Ziko's closest friend and ally.

"Ugh, what is it... Yukina?" Ziko drowsily replied, getting up from the seat.

"You're not gonna like it, but we have a situation at hand," Yukina responded, her hands that wore fingerless-gloves steered the plane. "We've entered Japan's airspace and something is interfering with the runway at Tokyo International Airport."

Ziko made his way to the cockpit of the plane as he sat on the co-pilot seat beside Yukina's. He had left Solis to its new ruler-his cousin. It had been half a year since they took down his uncle's project. Half a year since they avenged his death and his parents. Half a year since they have freed Solis from the person who murdered his family at a young age.

"Just when I thought I escaped all the chaos..." Ziko sighed, putting on a headset, "What's the situation?"

"It looks like a... Tornado is ravaging through the airport?" Yukina reported, looking at her commlink while her free hand is held onto the yoke of the aircraft, keeping it under her control.

"A natural phenomenon, huh?" Ziko commented, "What a weird coincidence, we've gotten rid of Project Illapa but it looks like we're facing some consequences or something."

"I don't think it's one big coincidence," Yukina said, pointing at the radar within the cockpit, "The radar detected some unidentified flying object somewhere in the middle of the tornado. It can't be that deadly at its current state but it's somehow progressing further without the use of any air cannons..."

"So it's a modified version of the one we took down at Solis a half a year ago," Ziko grumbled before sighing, "We'll take it down first before finding out who or where it came from."

"Already on it," Yukina smiled, unplugging a USB out of a military-grade laptop nearby, "I've informed a certain someone in Tokyo. He's a Pro-Hero so there's no problem with us taking it down, and I've already prepared the USB that contains the virus that you can use to shut it down."

"Heh! As expected, you're still as reliable as ever," Ziko breathed out a laugh, taking the USB from Yukina's hand as he took off his headset and walked out to the cabin, "Get me over the tornado!"

"Be careful Ziko!" Yukina warned, pulling the yoke as the plane climbed and gained more altitude, "We're facing an unknown threat, so it doesn't hurt to be wary."

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