Chapter 16: Sports Festival: Start / Ziko Rodriguez: Origin

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POV: Third Person: Ziko

"So this is it, huh?"

Ziko stood beside Haneko in front of a blast door that was located under the lab.

The crimson-haired girl then looked at him as she asked, "Ready to unveil everything that is behind that door?"

"Of course," Ziko replied without looking at her. "After all, I've already taken care of my personal business."

Haneko looked at him confused, "What personal business exactly?"

Ziko made his way to the console that had a hand scanner in it, "That's a secret, of course." He then pressed his hand against the scanner as the sound of the computer humming was heard.

"Identity recognized. Welcome, Ziko Rodriguez. Please, step inside."

The pressure was released from the blast door as it hissed. It started sliding down as it fully opened, revealing a massive room inside.

"Open sesame," Ziko jested as he made his way inside. Haneko followed after him.

This inside was similar to that of a lab but it had more inventions on display than things that can be seen from normal laboratories. The room was circular and a console can be found in the middle. That was what had caught Ziko's eyes first rather than the multiple inventions surrounding it.

"This place looks oddly clean for the whole 10 years it was sealed," Haneko pointed out. She had a point. Not a single rust nor dust was spotted and the lighting was bright as ever.

Ziko didn't reply as he made his way to the console found in the middle. He turned it on and it led to a holo-recording file as it was brought to life. It's as if it wanted them to hear out a message first.

"A recording from... Before the incident," Ziko mumbled, looking back at Haneko who stood behind him.

"Maybe we can know what happened?" Haneko questioned.

"One way to find out," Ziko used the keypads of the console as he played the recording. A hologram of a woman in her 30s wearing a labcoat appeared before them in a flash as Ziko and Haneko stepped back.

"Hello, is this thing on?"

"Mom..." Ziko's voice trailed off. It had been a while since he had seen the face of his mother. Something resonated within him as they continued watching their recording.

"It is? Oh. Heh, what can I even say to him... So! Ziko, if you're seeing this, then we're probably not around anymore. And if you are seeing this, then that means you found this room."

The hologram of Emiko walked a bit to the side as she looked around the room.

"This room is everything we've created. For you. Now you may be wondering why we'd be handing technology used for combat to our own son who probably doesn't know how to fight yet. Although, I'm not sure if you would be able to find this room that fast because we didn't even leave any clues."

"But, I know for certain that you would find this. As you would probably know, Rodriguez Laboratories has cut ties with DA, and the Agency is now coming for us. I want you to know, Ziko."

Ziko looked at the bluish eyes of the hologram as she looked back as well.

"We're sorry for handing you this burden of ours. Mom and Dad really messed up and we're only regretting it at a time when it's too late to do so. However, it is thanks to this wonderful girl that we even get to regret."

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