Chapter 17: To Cutting Fingers Off Hands

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POV: Third Person: Ziko

Fireworks blasted over the stadium marking the start of the Sports Festival. The sky was painted with light colors as crowds cheered on and on.

"The UA sports festival! The huge battle where fledgling heroes sharpen their swords once a year! Anyway, these are the guys, right? The miraculous new stars who overcame enemy attacks with their heart of steel!"

"Hero course, Class 1-A, right?!"

Just then, students from Class 1-A exited from within the stadium as they made their way into the center of the stadium.

"They haven't been getting as much airtime, but this class is also full of talent! Hero course, Class 1-B!"

Another class entered with students belonging to Class 1-B. After that, more poured into the stadium as the commentator, Present Mic, announced their arrival.

"Next up, general studies Classes C, D, and E!"

"Support course, Classes F, G, and H are here, too!"

"And business course, Classes I, J, and K!"

"All of UA's first years are here now!"

"Looks like they're finally starting," Ziko muttered, leaning in front of a railing from the very back row. Beside him were the three Lycoris as they watched.

"I wonder how it'll go," Chisato hummed in anticipation. "They all look very strong!"

As the students finished making their way into the center, a Pro-Hero stood at a large stage set up in the middle. It was none other than the R-Rated Hero: Midnight.

"Time for the player's pledge!"

"W-What...?" Aiko questioned the appearance of the UA teacher.

"How the hell is that even allowed?" Ziko's eyes twitched.

Takina then sighed, "How is a person such as herself even allowed to be a hero...?"

As the crowd began to get more and more loud, Midnight silenced them as she spoke, "Quiet, everyone!"

She whips a fan she held to the side as she continued, "Representing the students is Katsuki Bakugou from Class 1-A!"

A student with spikey blonde hair climbed the stage and stood in front of a mic placed attached to a microphone stand.

"I pledge– That I'll be number one."

Suddenly, booing from the students is heard as Ziko, Takina, and Aiko look at him in disbelief. Chisato, however, was laughing at his boldness.

"Kid's cocky, that's for sure."

"His ego is definitely bigger than anyone else's. The kid hasn't changed since my first impression of him."

Ziko continued watching as Katsuki stepped off the stage.

"Now, let's get started right away. The first game is what you'd call a qualifier! Every year, many drink their tears here! Now, here is the fateful first game!"

A hologram screen showing a slot roulette appeared behind Midnight.

"This year, it's... This!"

The screen behind her showed the word, 'Obstacle Race'.

"All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium–about four kilometers! Our school's selling point is freedom! As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do!"

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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