Chapter 3: A Soldier's Best Friend / More Haste, Less Speed

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POV: Third Person: Ochita

Ochita was waiting outside the arrivals section at Tokyo International Airport. It had been a week and a half since the Tornado Incident but the airport itself was quick to make repairs as everything went back to normal.

The sergeant checked her phone again as someone called out to her.

"Sergeant Sora!"

Ochita easily knew who that person was with his Russian accent. "Nikolai! You made it."

Nikolai was followed by a Belgian Malinois that wore a military harness.

"Tsuji!" Ochita exclaimed, kneeling down as the dog quickly made his way toward her as he jumped toward the soldier's embrace. Tsuji licked Ochita's face as his tail wiggled happily.

Ochita giggled, patting the dog, "I miss you too, boy." She then stood up to face Nikolai again, "Thank you, Nikolai."

"We're even now," Nikolai says, "You have met Yukina here in Japan, yes?"

"I did," Ochita replied, "Just two days ago."

"Ah, send her a message for me, will you not?" Nikolai said, "Tell her, 'Nikolai peredayot privet'."

"Konechno," Ochita replied in Russian.

Nikolai turned to leave with a smile, "Until we meet again, Sergeant."

Ochita watched Nikolai leave the area as she looked back to her dog who was now sitting, waiting for her command, "Ready to go, Tsuji?"

Tsuji barked in response as the two left the airport.


Ochita arrived at LycoReco along with Tsuji as she entered. The café opened a few hours ago so there weren't too many customers.

"Mika-sensei," Ochita called out to the manager, making her way to the bar counter and sitting on a stool in front of it. She let Tsuji roam inside LycoReco freely as the military dog made his way inside the staff room. "T-Tsuji you can't go in there yet–!"

"AHH! Who let this dog in here?!"

"Mizuki, calm down! That's just Tsuji!"

Ochita sweatdropped, watching Tsuji quickly make his way back to her side as Mizuki and Yukina followed swiftly.

"You startled me, you damned dog!" Mizuki exclaimed as she was held back by Yukina.

"Don't do it, Mizuki, you're overreacting way too much," Yukina said.

"Yukina? Why are you here this early?" Ochita questioned.

Yukina let go of Mizuki who calmed down as she noticed Ochita who was sitting on a stool in front of the counter, "Ah, sergeant. I was checking on Walnut's progress in finding the missing firearms."

"Oh yeah," Ochita remembered, "How's it going, then?"

"Not well, sadly..."

Mika finally exited the staff room as he met up with Ochita. "Ochita, I heard you call out to me earlier. What is it?"

"Can you let Tsuji stay here?" Ochita asked, "I have to go to UA today and I picked Tsuji up from the airport very early."

As if on cue, Tsuji's head popped up over the counter.

"Hmm, you've grown a lot, Tsuji," Mika reached out a hand to him as he scratched the top of Tsuji's head. "I don't mind letting him stay over." He answered Ochita.

"Really? Thanks, sensei," Ochita smiled.

"When are you leaving for UA?" Mizuki asked, catching her attention.

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