Chapter 9: Day Off / Global Army Corp / Brains Of The Rebellion

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POV: Third Person: Ziko

"You're really reckless, aren't you?"

Ziko sat on a couch inside Yukina's penthouse with Aiko standing in front of him. The dark-haired boy smiled before letting out a sigh.

"It wasn't like I had a choice," Ziko said, adjusting himself to a more comfortable position on the couch, "I had to go."

"You were just discharged!" Aiko exclaimed, "Did you know how worried we were after the attack?"

"I get it," Ziko replied, calming her down, "...was Takina also worried?"

Aiko sat beside Ziko before answering his question, "She was more worried than we were."

"Is that so...?"

Silence filled the room, but it only lasted for a few seconds.

"Say, Ziko," Aiko started, looking at him, "Why did you come to Japan? And I never asked you this before but... Your Japanese is really fluent."

"For your first question," Ziko replied, "I came to Japan because I learned more about what my parents did here before they passed away," Ziko explained as he leaned back on the couch, "They were scientists, like my aunt and uncle. And they worked on a project that could probably change the world for the better."

"And that is...?" Aiko asked with anticipation.

"That's the thing, I don't know," Ziko continued, "I haven't had any leads yet, either. I have to find it..."

Aiko removed her gaze from Ziko as she spoke, "What happens if you don't?"

"Then it will fall into the wrong hands," Ziko answered, "I can't let that happen."

"We won't."

Ziko turned to Aiko as she spoke, "We won't let that happen. All four of us... Me, Takina, Chisato, and you."

"We're a team, aren't we?" Aiko remarked.

"Of course we are," Ziko smiled, "And for your second question, my mom was Japanese and my dad was Mexican. I learned Japanese from my mom."


POV: Third Person: Chisato

Inside LycoReco, Chisato and Takina had finished preparing for the opening of the café.

"Why isn't Aiko-san here?" Takina asked Chisato as she stood beside the blonde girl.

"She went to visit Ziko, I think," Chisato answered, "She'll take over your afternoon shift later."

"I see..." Takina responded.

Chisato stared at her face before speaking, "What's with that look? Your afternoon shift lasts until closing time. That way, you can go visit Ziko."

"B-But what about...?" Takina was about to question but Chisato interjected.

"Yukina-san is also helping out at the café so it's no big deal," Chisato informed. The bell on top of the door rang as someone entered. The two Lycoris looked at their first customer of the day and welcomed him.

"Welcome to LycoReco!"

Chisato's eyes narrowed as she recognized the man who had entered, "Wait... Eraser-san?"

Takina looked at Chisato and asked, "Do you know him?"

"A-Ah, it's a long story..." Chisato smiled nervously as she replied.

"I came all the way from Musutafu because of Sora's recommendation but... I'd never expect to see you again," Shota said.

"Eheheh..." Chisato let out a laugh before turning to Takina, "Me and Aiko met him at one of our client jobs. He's a Pro-Hero who goes by the name of Eraser Head."

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