Chapter 1: Dealing with Chaos / Settling In / Welcome to Café LycoReco!

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POV: Third Person: Ziko

"This is where you live?" 

Asked Ziko as he entered a penthouse located in the city of Tokyo along with Yukina. The interior of the penthouse had a perfect blend of modern and traditional looks as the smell of vanilla created a very cozy atmosphere that put the cherry on top. It had two floors and a huge balcony that had a helipad on it. It had 4 guest rooms and a master bedroom that belonged to Yukina herself. The common area was... Quiet. It seemed peaceful.

It had been a few hours since they had arrived in Japan and taken care of the whole Tornado Incident. It was midnight and two were practically tired.

"Yup, pretty much," Yukina replied, taking off her pilot jacket. "This is where I always stay whenever I go to Japan. Your room is on the second floor, at the end of the hallway, the one next to mine. There's a workshop on this floor that you can use whenever you need to do maintenance on your Grappler or whatnot. If you have any more questions, save them for tomorrow because I'm going to sleep..."

Ziko watched Yukina climb the rectangular stairs up to the second floor and to her room. He then made himself to the living room where a long couch is. The Brunet boy then sat at the end of it as he accessed his Commlink on his Grappler to contact his cousin.

"Ziko, you finally called."

"Well, we've been busy," Ziko replied with a tired sigh. "I have bad news."

"Just bad? No good news-!"


Someone's voice unknown to Ziko called out to Rico. More voices were heard from the comms as Rico spoke.


"No shit, Rico!"

'Tom Sheldon?' Ziko thought upon hearing the voice very familiar to him. The sound of a shotgun being shot off near Rico was picked up by Ziko's ears.

"Hold on for a second."

Ziko heard explosions and guns being fired in the background. He didn't know what was going on. What he knows is both Rico and Sheldon are under attack.

"Rico? Rico! What's happening!?" Ziko questioned, his voice filled with worry.

"Agents are attacking me and Sheldon, the ones from the Agency! And they're using Grapplers!"

Ziko heard zipping and more guns blazing. "Sheldon?"

"Heya, Ziko! Have you finally made it to Japan? Oh-! Stay still damn it! Stop zippin' around!"

Sheldon's voice was heard on the comms as he heard more gunshots.

"Man down-!"

"And you're next!"

Ziko heard a woman's voice get cut off by Rico as the sound of a crossbow shot went off.

"That's the last of them. You all right, Sheldon?"

"Ugh. Yeah. Fine... Coordinates are down by the docks."

"Let's go."

"Guess the grapplers are standard issues now, huh?"

"Guess so."

"Rico, Sheldon, what the hell is happening?" Ziko asked once again, expressing his worry toward the two.

"Sheldon got coordinates as a warning that the Agency is now here on Solis."

Ziko's eyes widened. Whenever it comes to the Agency, it never was good news,
"The Agency is in Solis? Don't tell me..."

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