Chapter 6: Old Friends, Old Enemies / Sibling Reunion

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POV: Third Person: Aiko

"I wonder if Ziko-san went back to the café..."

The trio returned to the café as the sun began to set over the horizon. Aiko had tried texting and calling Ziko a couple of times but he didn't answer.

"He probably went home and dropped off Tsuji at the café, hopefully," Aiko assured Takina.

"I knew we should've stayed together!" Chisato complained, pouting. They eventually arrived at LycoReco and went inside. As Chisato opened the door, Yukina came running out.

"Yukina-san! What's the... Hurry..." Chisato didn't get the chance to finish her sentence as Yukina already disappeared from their sight.

"I wonder what has her hurrying to do?" Aiko questioned.

"Probably work?" Takina assumed.

"Well then... Let's go drop off our goods!"


POV: Third Person: Yukina

It was nighttime by the time Yukina arrived at the University of Tokyo Hospital and went to the receptionist quickly.

"Excuse me! Where can I find Ziko Rodriguez?!" Yukina questioned frantically. The receptionist was startled as she replied.

"C-Calm down ma'am, are you Ziko Rodriguez's guardian?"

"I am! Please tell me where he is!" Yukina replied.

"Please wait for a bit, we need you to tell us how you know him and sign a few things."


Yukina made her way to Ziko's room as she recalled the things that the nurse told her.

"With his injuries, he would've not been able to make it if it weren't for the schoolgirls that brought him here. Right now, he's in a stable condition and is being treated by someone who was a medical Quirk."

The purple-haired pilot eventually sees Ziko's room as she heads there. Yukina also noticed someone sitting on a bench in front of his room. It was a Lycoris.

"Are you the Lycoris who saved Ziko?" Yukina asked, stopping in front of her.

"Y-Yes, it was me..." She replied, "I reported everything to the commander and she told me to standby and wait for you, Hikolyotov-sama."

Yukina's eyes narrowed, "What happened back there?"

"We were stopping a terrorist attack at the train station," The Lycoris explained, "However, we never expected Rodriguez-sama to be there. He stopped the shooting before we did, but then..."

"The Black Hand arrived," She continued, "They came out of nowhere and shot down some of my squad but we managed to get the injured back inside the train. Rodriguez-sama forced me inside the train and Radiata took control of the train and drove to a different platform. That's all I know."

"Then how did you get to Ziko?" Yukina questioned, "The nurse said that you were one of the Lycoris who brought him here."

"We were given orders to come back to the site to investigate," The Lycoris stated, "It was full of rubbles and we found Ziko unconscious. He was underneath some rubble and he was bleeding so we had to evacuate him immediately."

Yukina let out a sigh of relief. She then spoke once again, "What's your name, Lycoris?"

"It's Hanaka Kato, ma'am," Hanaka replied.

Yukina smiled, "Thank you, Hanaka."

Hanaka bowed, before walking away as she took her leave as Yukina entered Ziko's room.

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