Chapter 7: USJ: The Black Hand Strikes Again

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POV: Third Person: Ochita

"Excuse me! Can you tell us how All Might is as a teacher?!"

Ochita looked behind her. There were tons of news reporters just outside UA High School's gate.

With this much attention towards her, Ochita badly longed for the skull mask she used to wear. Even though it's been only a day.

"I have to get to work now. All Might is currently not here at the moment so please leave," Ochita replied, waving them off as she made her way to the faculty room to meet up with Shota.


"Good work on the day before yesterday's combat training and physical combat training yesterday," Shota stated to the Class 1-A students. Ochita stood at the corner near the doorway as Class 1-A's homeroom teacher continued.

"I saw the video and results of both training sessions," Shota informed, his eyes shooting to Bakugou's, "Bakugou, you're talented, so don't act like a kid."

Bakugou's eyes went elsewhere and landed on Ochita's as he glared, "I know."

"And Midoriya. You settled it by breaking your arm again, huh?" Shota read the files from the combat training, "You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your Quirk."

"I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do," Shota stated, "Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya."

"Yes, sir!" Izuku complied.

"Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you..."

"...decide on a class representative." Shota finished.

'It's actually a normal school activity!'


POV: Third Person: Ziko


Someone called out to the young adult as he looked in the direction where his friend, Yukina, was. She was driving a Jeep that had a logo on it.


"Where are we going?" Ziko asked. He sat on the seat beside the driver's seat as Yukina drove the jeep.

"Yokota Air Base. I have a hangar there and Dimah, along with Teo, dropped off something for you." Yukina answered.

"Dimah?" Ziko questioned, "Wait, Dimah came here to Japan?!"

"They left shortly after," Yukina added, getting Ziko's hopes down. He had wanted to see Dimah as he didn't get the chance to visit during their war in Solis.

"So what did she leave out for me this time?" Ziko asked, leaning his head back to the seat.

"You'll see."

"Keeping it as a surprise?" Ziko questioned, "Fine, keep your secrets. It's definitely something like a weapon."

"Of course it is," Yukina laughed, keeping her hands on the steering wheel, "What else do you think Dimah makes?"


POV: Third Person: Aiko

The three Lycoris were in their Yukatas as they made their way back to LycoReco with grocery bags in hand.

"By the way, Takina," Chisato spoke, looking at her whilst they walked, "Did you do anything with Ziko yesterday?"

"Nosy much, Chisato?" Aiko said.

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