Chapter 5: Okito Sora / Battle Training / Seek Nothing, Find Nothing (Part 2)

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1 day ago...

POV: First Person: Okito Sora

I smoked the cigarette I held in my left hand as I exhaled, smoke flowing in front of me as my Night Vision goggles let me see through the darkness around us.

"Watcher to Sierra-9, how copy?"

"Go for Seraph," I replied, tapping on my radio.

"We have confirmed Black Hand and Agency movement within your area."

I sighed, throwing my cigarette away. "What's the ROE in this?"

"You have clearance to eliminate both forces."

"Shogun," I say, recognizing the other voice in the comms, "Things must be serious with you overseeing this operation."

"Affirmative, Okito. You and Wyatt are the ones I can get for this mission alone. Get it done and go home."

"Copy that, General, out," I complied, turning to my partner. "You ready, Vulture?"

"Yes, sir," Wyatt replied, taking his eye off the scope of his suppressed Kodiak Talon sniper rifle.

"Good, break time is over. On me," I said, removing the camouflage net blanketed around me. I then started moving up through the vast lands of the Arizona Coconino Forests as the moonlight shone from above.

"Can I ask a question, sir?" Wyatt spoke, scanning my flanks as we continued to move. "What can the Black Hand and the Agency be doing here?"

"Testing out their weather weapons, probably," I replied, holding my rifle up as I aimed up front while moving with each step my boots pressed onto the dirt below.

"I don't get why they tested their weapon in Japan," Wyatt remarked.

"It's a possibility that they were hired, too," I said as I suddenly halted in my tracks and stood at the edge of the top of a hill, "Hold."

When Wyatt also stopped, I took out my spotter scope and removed my night vision goggles as I looked through the spotter scope through my eyes. There was a wide clearing a few meters down as we were on a hill that overlooked the site. A few transport helicopters grouped up a bit far from the massive circular machine stood far away from it. 'Must be one of the Weather Cores.'

"There they are," I muttered.

"Black Hand and the Agency..." Wyatt mumbled, "What's the plan, sir?"

"Find a higher vantage point and get an overwatch on the area," I briefed, "I'll go in close and plant C4s on all the helis before we move on to the Weather Core. Once I planted all the charges and set them off, engage, affirm?"

"Hard copy," Wyatt replied, wrapping the sling of his sniper behind him as he brought out his secondary. "Good luck, sir."

I watched him climb higher on the cliff near the hill as I continued scanning the site. A few minutes passed as I received a radio transmission.

"Captain, I'm in position and have a visual on you, over."

"Copy," I replied, "Be my eyes in the sky and alert me of any enemies on my flanks."


I brought down the NVGs on my eyes as I started trekking the hill downwards carefully. Once getting to the level the same as the site, I took cover behind a tree. There were a few tents that were probably used as research labs. I was about to begin but I dropped back to the ground swiftly but quietly as Black Hand soldiers patrolled past.

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