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It was her alarm clock. Miranda Sings made it specially for her. It's already 5:00 am..

"Damn mornings.." she says as she tries her level best to get up, or to open her eyes at least. "I can pass out on the plane tho..hmmm" just by thinking that filled her with happiness and joy. She dragged herself out of bed and got ready. 

"Psssttt...pssstt..PPPSSSSSSSTTTTTT!!" she called her parents in their bedroom. "mmm..Ah Lilly, what ju want.." says Paramjeet, "Mom, i'm leaving. Bye!" Lilly said softly, trying not to wake Manjeet up. "Oh, where ju going Lost World Of Angels right?" LOL. "LA mom, Los Angeles.." she couldn't help herself laughing. " Right. Right, kay bye. Take care" says Paramjeet, going back to sleep.

She waited outside for Jaz. Jaz's dad was kind enough to give them a ride. They were 10 minutes late, and Lilly was already a popsicle. " Yo Jaz, you took a billion years to get here.." Lilly said, putting her bags into the car booth. She fell asleep as soon as they left her house. While sleeping she received a text message from someone. *BING...* Who was it from?....

Once they got to the airport, Lilly shivered in coldness. Why does it have to be so cold? Humble was already there, on his laptop at Starbucks, because  free Wi-Fi. They walked to Starbucks half asleep. Jaz ordered black coffee and Lilly ordered hot chocolate. They sat down with Humble and talked away, Lilly checked her phone for any missed calls and saw the message. It's from Aman. She quickly opened it.

Aman ~ Hey, boarding now? My flight is in 3 hours. See you there!

She smiled and typed a reply..

' Hey, boarding in 10 minutes. So excited!! Have a safe flight. '

Lilly and Aman met years ago. If Lilly could describe him in 3 words, it will be CHARMING, SWEET and CARING. She also thinks he's super hot. She feels different when he's around, she feels safe. It was time to board the plane, oh did i mention it was AIR CANADA?

On the plane, Lilly got a window seat, Humble sat four rows behind her, and Jaz sat two rows infront. They knocked out on throughout the flight. 

The house that they rented was HUGE. Even Godzilla could have stayed there. Nothing much happened after that. They all slept in their big ass rooms. But, Lilly found a mysterious room. It was much, much more smaller than any other room in the house. Surprisingly, it was connected to a bathroom, that was connected to another room. It was Jaz's room! The bed was huge though... Lilly took a quick shower and went to bed. Her watch showed that it was 12 pm. Aman would be arriving at 3 pm. She sent a text to Aman saying that they're all taking a nap and call her when he landed. She drifted off as soon as she layed her head on the fluffy pillow...

(to be continued...)

Hey guys! Extremely sorry for the late post. I would love to get some feedback! Just be honest! =D xoxo

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