Chapter One: Downpour

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I heave in an astronomical breathe.
That just sums up my whole day.
But the only thought that's racking through my depressing brain right now as I stare up at the suddenly dark sky is...
I should've brought an umbrella.
"Lucky!" I don't even bother turning to face the person calling me.
"You haven't brought an umbrella?"
I lift my hands face up, silently telling him that I don't have an invisible one either.
" can have my one then," he says, passing his my way.
I decline, shaking my head and step out into the cold wind, splatters of raindrops hitting my cheeks.
I trudge through the wet pavement, my sneakers soaking up the water.
Summarization of my fucked up day.
I shivered as the cold raindrops began pouring heavier, the water saturating through my hair and soaking my clothes.
I stop immediately when I hear a helpless whimper coming from the alley beside a small bakery.
I hear it again, low and sad. I step towards the sound and find two green eyes staring up at me belonging to a black cat. It's coat drenched and it's whiskers drooping low. Like it's frowning.
Even in my damp mood I feel sorry for the little animal. "You don't have a home, little guy?" I ask, squatting to see it better.
Did it just shake its head!?
I blink a few times and sigh. I'm probably seeing things.
I reach a hand for the feline and it corresponds, tucking its head under it. I pat it's wet coat and stare at it as it closes its eyes. I can't leave such a pitiful thing next to the dumpsters and cold rain to be frozen alive or ravished by stray dogs.
So I do what every human being would do in my situation, I take it home.

And that was possibly the stupidest thing I've ever done.

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