Chapter Nine: Attraction is a Bitch

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I hate it that when I make it downstairs everyone looks like they're all waiting for me. Amber adds to that by giving me a highly unneeded hug.
"You ruined your future bounce back," she whispers in my ear.
"I don't give a fuck. And you know that," I reply.
"Welllll," she whispers. "Just so you know, Faell officially hates Kyle."
I gently push her off and make my way to the table and take the only available seat which is next to Faell; who is making it a note to stare at me. Once I'm seated he loops an arm around my chair and I sigh.
Here we go.
"Hey Lucky. I thought you were sick." Kyle is the first to speak, wearing a dazzling smile. But I don't see the dazzling effect of it. But Sara does, she has  to apparently hold her breath for her to survive it. But Alice seems more interested in Faell than dazzle-smiles-Kyle here.
"I was just catching on sleep—"
"We're you making out with Faell?" Alice; like the bitch she is, cuts me off. I snap my eyes to hers, shocked. 
"Because that swollen lip is telling a lot." She adds.
Oh my God what is wrong with her.
I liked her much better when she didn't give a damn about me or business. Now she has her dirty little nails digging into my face and how I freak'n look like.
I think she'll be extremely satisfied to hear that I smacked my face on the marble floor very ungracefully.
"I don't think she needs to share that info with us," Kyle says his eyes dart away from mine with a cough.
His so uncomfortable.
And I feel uncomfortable because his making it seem that way and I can't even picture Faell kissing me.
"So what if we did. I don't think that's a problem." Faell says confidently.
I kick him hard under the table and lean in to say something.
"Don't Faell" I warn. I don't want him making this more embarrassing than it already is.
He laughs like I said something seductive. Alice narrows her eyes at me and I smile. At least she'll feel jealous.
What am I saying?
Amber can feel the tension in the room, her eyes darting between everyone, so she stands and makes a dramatic effort of it.  
"Who wants to go down to the beach!" Amber says enthusiastically.
Riley and Sara both hop up and lock arms with Amber all three of them heading out.
Before they exit Amber turns around and gives me raised brow.
I know what that means;
I know I put you through this shit and I'm terribly sorry. But I know you'll forgive me because we're best friends. But the big question is: are you gonna be alright?
I give her a tight lipped smile and nod. My silent way of telling her;
I'll be fine.
I stand and before I've even made it to the door, Kyle is in my space.
He pushes something in my hands. I look down at a towel.
"You'll be needing this," he says. I shake my head. "No actually, I don't plan on swimming," I say.
Faell comes from behind me snatches the towel giving Kyle a smug, jerk-assed grin. "Thank you very much." He grabs my wrist and we head outside.
I went back up to get a book and made myself comfortable on a high rock, overlooking the water.
"Why don't you join everyone else?" Faell says. I turn around to find him standing over me.
"I'm having fun with myself, thanks for your concern," I say, turning back to my book.
Faell laughs and lowers himself next to me, looking out at the water.
"What are you reading?" He asks angling his head to me.
I close the book and sit back. You can't read when someone is literally talking to you.
"It's horror."
He gives me a weird look. "I never knew there was such things."
"Yeah you probably never stepped foot in the library." I say with a monotone voice.
"UH! I am severely wounded!" He slaps a hand to his chest.
I chuckle lightly. "Get over yourself."
Faell stands after that. I look up at him quizzically. "Are you hurt by that statement?" I ask.  He shakes his head softly. Then suddenly he bends down scooping me up and jumps off the rocks.
I scream from the unexpected impact and the water rushes into my mouth. I swim up to the surface gasping for air. I cough a few times and rub my eyes until they're back in focus. The first thing I see is what pisses me off the most.
Faell is laughing attempting to run away.
You sly motherfucker.
I'm soo mad I'm actually swimming after him until I have his head and I'm shoving it underwater.
He pries my hands away from his neck and laughs.
"Didn't that feel good?" He says with a smile.
"The part where I nearly had you dead underwater. Yes. In fact that felt very good."
I come to the realisation that I'm on my tippy toes barely able to get any air into my mouth that's just hardly above the surface of the water.
Faell notices and instead of being the gentleman that every man in this entire earth should be, he does the total opposite and grabs my legs, he guides them until they're hooked onto his hips.
Oh shit.
My. Legs. Hooked. Onto. His. Hips.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Now we're eye to eye. He brushes some of my wet hair from my face and looks at me with a sly smile. I think his face got a whole of a lot hotter in the last two seconds than it ever has and I'm staring.
And I'm staring especially at his wet alarmingly attractive mouth.
What is happening to me!?
I move my face away from his suddenly good-looking one and bury my face in his neck instead.
He laughs all throaty and sexy as hell and walks off. I peek out from my half-assed embarrassment and see a face flushed with jealousy.
Alice is staring at me like she'll kill me with the flick of her pinky if she could. But only, she can't.
When the water seems to become less deep, I loosen my legs around Faell but he has other ideas. He lowers his head until his lips are right above my ear. 
And oh shit. I think I'm dead.
"Don't gumdrop," his voice is low and full of warning. "We're together remember. They're gonna doubt us if you do stupid things like this all the time."
He secures my legs back to his waist and continues walking like those words haven't made my breath get caught in my throat.
Why am I feeling like this.
It's ridiculous.
Since I have no say in what Faell spontaneously does, he sets me down when it's 'appropriate'. I sit on the lounge all soaking wet and start talking to my conscious.
You are not feeling these things for your friend-cat.
Luck get some sense into yourself women!
Hours ago you couldn't even imagine kissing him, and now your acting like that's the one thing you wanna do.
I realised with dismay that attraction is a bitch.
Everyone finally makes it out of the water and Kyle walks towards me.
I internally slap my forehead. Please, please don't.
"I guess you did go out for a swim." He says with a hint of sarcasm. He hands me a towel. Faell pushes Kyle's outstretched hand back to his chest and glares at him with hate-filled intensity. Kyle doesn't step back like he should. He stares with as much hate.
"She won't be needing that," Faell says pulling another towel from around his shoulders and wrapping it around me.
Why do I feel like a country that's yet to be marked and these two make it a constant reminder that I'm being pulled to one side and next the other.
I sigh and stand up grabbing Faell's hand and heading inside.
"Stop being a jerk." I say once where inside and out of earshot but the sentence comes out a tired knot of words.
I don't want to have this convo.
I toss him back the towel and thank the universe I'm wearing a black shirt instead of white that would've shamed me once it was soaked.
"I think you need a new pair of eyes. Can't you see his being the jerk." Faell says affronted by my apparent lack of understanding.
I roll my eyes because I know Kyle more than I know Faell. His been like this since middle school and I got used to every single unnecessary thing he does. From offering his umbrella's to buying me a packet of gum every single week.
"I know his crossing the line." I say with a heavy sigh.
Before I get to finish my statement Amber comes in with a giggling Riley right behind her.
"Oh! Did we interrupt something, oh my God sorry." Riley literally dashes right back outside.
I know Amber can see my lack of energy consuming me. She points to herself then me then flicks her finger upstairs.
I follow her upstairs giving Faell an 'I'm watching you' look before I leave.
She closes the door behind her and looks at me like she's about to apologize.
"I    like     Faell    the     cat."  I say, frowning at the floor.
"I'm sorry," she says remorsefully.
I sigh. "It's fine. It's just that his taking his role of being the overly protective boyfriend really seriously."
She nods tightly, her eyes floating towards the window. "It's getting dark." She says absently.
I gasp and immediately run to the door. "Lucky where are you going?" Amber calls after me as I race downstairs. "I'll tell you later." I answer over my shoulder before heading into the living room.
"Faell..." I pause, my mouth gaping open.
Him and Alice are both seated on the couch; her still in her bathing suit. I silently watch as Alice reaches over him deliberately brushing against him and grabbing the remote. She pauses for an inappropriate moment flashing him a seductive smile.
I cross the room and grab Faell's wrist shooting her narrowed eyes.
"I need to talk to you privately." I say to Faell. Alice shoots me a glare filled with piercing daggers. 
I pull his wrist still pissed, trudging upstairs.
I slam the door behind me. "You should be mindful of when you transform." I say calmly. Not at all how I feel. "And also stay away from Alice. I'm your girlfriend remember."
Before he gets to reply with that annoying smile of his plastered on his face, he shrinks, disappearing under the  bundle of clothes.
Just then, Amber comes into the room a frightened expression casting her face.
"Don't freakin' break the doors! This isn't my house you know!" She whisper screams.
I take a seat on the bed. But my ass totally misses it and I land on the floor instead.
Amber chuckles along with Faell-The-Cat that seems like his choking instead of laughing.
I glare at the both of them and they're smart enough to stay silent. I rub my ass tenderly and actually take a seat this time.
Amber looks down at Faell quizzically, cocking her head to the side.
"He transformed?"
"When the sun sets. Yes."
"But how will we explain to everyone why he isn't present?"
I shrug not the least bit disturbed. "He just turned in early. I don't think that's a problem."
She nods slowly. "Alright. Come down to dinner after you change. And don't let Conner see him. His not a fan of felines."
I give Faell a stern look. "You heard that."
He rolls his eyes in response.
"Where's Faell?" Alice says taking a spoon of her mashed potatoes.
I don't even bat an eye at her. "I don't think that's something you need to be concerned about." I answer flatly.
She glares at me, but I pretend my food needs the my most outmost attention.
"How did you meet him?" Kyle asks. I don't like the fact that his seated in front of me and what I also don't like is the way his staring at me.
I never thought about that until now. I try to think of a fast and short answer but my mind comes out blank.
"She met him at a amusement park last month." Amber answers, she gives me a sly wink and I thank her internally for saving my ass.
"Speaking about amusement parks," she says, tapping a finger to her chin. "There's one tomorrow that I'll like for us to go to. If you like all want to?"
"Absolutely." Riley says enthusiastically, smiling widely.
"Kyle, will you be going?" Sara asks him with a more than subtle batting of her eyelashes. Instead of answering her like he should, he looks at me. "Are you going Lucky?"
I hate how casually he makes that sound, and I hate how I'm tied down to what his doing and where his going.
"I don't really know." I say and stare down at my food, not ready to trample on his hope-filled eyes. It depends on how I feel, and how I feel most of the time is drained. But I don't say that aloud.
"We're all going." Amber says, subtlety taking the apprehensive attention away from me.
I take a plate of food upstairs and ignore the way Alice is watching me.
"Thank you." I say to Faell. He cocks his head in question. "I thought you would come downstairs and do something shitty." I say, sighing as I flop on the bed.

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