Chapter Five: Kitty Hoarder

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"Did you eat breakfast?" I ask Faell, he nods now currently in his cat form.
I slump on the couch and open my phone scrolling through my call log.
Still nothing.
Faell peeks over my shoulder, he jumps effortlessly and lands on my lap.
I hook my hand under his arms and pull him up so we're eye level.
"You can't talk?" I ask. He sags visibly and shakes his head.
I chuckle. "Can you wink?" I ask randomly.
His face folds for a second; concentrating. Finally an eye shuts and his eyes beam. 
I laugh. "Roll your eyes."
He succeeds without missing a beat and I smile. He must've used that a lot. 
One side of his mouth gets pulled upwards and then slowly the other, he opens his small mouth showing sharp canines. He gives me a toothy half crooked cat grin. I never saw something so ridiculous. My smile grew into a full blown grin and I start laughing.
He looks like Toothless in How to Train Your Dragon when he first started smiling.
He hovers his paw over my phone cocking his head at it. "Are you asking me why I'm looking at my phone?" I ask, confused.
He uses his little paws to make a frowning gesture then points back at the phone.
"Your asking me why I'm sad at my phone?" He nods vigorously.
"Oh that...." I say, avoiding his searching eyes.
He lightly slaps a fury paw on my cheek gaining my attention back. "Alright alright fine, you relentless feline." I sigh.
He lifts his chin in the air, proud of his prodding.
I sit cross legged on the couch ready to pour out my soul to this cat I've known for twenty four hours.
The door bell chimes.
My lips perk up, Faell's eyes narrow into thin green slits.
I open the door not the least bit surprised when Amber comes bounding in, giving me a quick cinnamon filled hug and a peck on my cheek.
"Helllloooo," she bellows.
"What did I say about this," I say to her, resting a hand on my hip. She grins from ear to ear slipping off her shoes.
"C'mon Luck, what's this doormat for if your gonna chase out all your guests."
I make a mental note to change the doormat into something      less       inviting.
She scans the apartment until her grey eyes land on Faell still seated watching our exchange curiously.
She rushes him and he yowls at her advance hiding behind a pillow. She picks him up nonetheless, spinning him around until his eyes are wide and unfocused.
"He. Is. ADORABLE!!!" She squeals. She hugs him tightly and he claws away from her hurrying towards me.
I glance down at him as he hides behind my leg shivering in terror.
She scared him?
"Can I keep him?" Amber says, clasping her hands together, practically on her knees.
I look down at Faell and he frantically shakes his head. He gives me pleading eyes, silently telling me not to give him away to a kitty hoarder like her.
I sigh and shake my head. "Nope," I say simply. She crumples to the floor, obviously devastated by the statement.
But Amber being Amber recovers quickly, walking to the fridge.
"I'm hungry, do you have any frozen pizza." She asks, sticking her head inside. I shake my head and make a grab for my phone.
"Did you call your dad?" She asks causally.
Me knowing her. That was not a casual question.
"Don't Amber," I warn and make a quick order. We both take a seat and Faell drops beside me as far away from Amber as possible.
"Can he like understand English?" She asks me.
I roll my eyes, "I told you he turned into a guy so why the fuck not."
"Can he speak though?" Me and Faell both shake our heads.
"How old are you Faell?" Amber asks him, "I mean like in human form or is the cat form and human form the same age. Agh. This confusing." She rushes, resting her elbows on her knees watching him as he struggled to communicate with his paws.
"Nineteen?" She raises her brows. "Really?" He nods.
I snatch the remote off the table and flip through all the possible options.
"You wanna watch Titanic?" I ask Amber, she nods eagerly even though she knows we watched it a million times before.
When were hyped. Sad. Worried. Moody. But especially when we both have that one week in the month. And it's convenient that we both have it at the same time.
I switch it on and there's a knock on the door, I get up and Faell also rises following me to the door.
I smile.
Guess he doesn't trust her yet.
But he should cause she's all I've had for a very long time.
And that's not gonna change for a very long time.
I grab the pizza paying the delivery man and we both head back on the couch.
"He eats pizza?" Amber says when we enter. "His like half human if you didn't forget," I answer.
I notice Faell battling with the giant triangle pieces. So I do what every kind soul would do. I cut it up into small pieces and rip the lid off the pizza box setting the small pieces on it and placing the cardboard close to his range.
He winks at me and I roll my eyes.
Amber eyes us and gives me a knowing smile. 
When the movie is finished and Amber starts yawning I shoo her out. She gives me a sleepy hug and waves goodbye.
I watch from my balcony until she safely gets a cab and drives off.
I wash my hands and force Faell to also wash his paws, wiping my thumb on his small nose getting dried sauce on it.
When I head to my room I notice Faell following my steps. I halt, turning around. "What are you doing?" I say, sighing loudly.
He points a paw to my room like I'm supposed to know.
"Fine. But when you turn into a human you immediately put some clothes on. Is that clear?" I say sternly.
He rolls his eyes but nods nevertheless.
"And no funny business, got that young man." He kicks my ankle and walks by me, gracefully jumping on the bed and curling himself into a dark ball.

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