Chapter Eleven: Peculiar Dreams

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I open my eyes, my brain feeling fuzzy and heavy as hell.
I blink a few times and try to sit but fail and fall back onto the pillow. It feels wrong, the bed feels wrong.
I feel around and find it empty.
Where's Faell?
My throat feels hella dry and my head feels clogged when I turn around to the bedside table. I find a cup of water and thank the universe for the kind soul who put it there.
I gulp it down and wipe my chin.
"Then kiss me right here, right now."
No. I choke on the drink. Shit
I see flashes of last night. Me trying to make Faell kiss me.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I clutch my head with both hands, eyes wide. "What did I do?"
I exhale a long painful breath. "Holy fuck. What the hell did I do."
I collapse back on the bed and grab a pillow and scream out all my frustration and confusion into it.
Someone opens the door slowly and Amber peeks her head inside.
"Lucky, are you alright?" She asks warily.
I throw the pillow off my face and crawl out from under the covers.
"Did I kiss Faell. Tell me I didn't do what I think I did?" I say desperately.
I can't imagine what I did, it's not right. I was drunk and I can't remember anything.
"What are you talking about Luck?" Amber opens the door wider and shuts it behind her. She crosses the room taking a seat on the bed and giving me a concerned look.
She holds both of my hands gently. "Breath Luck."
I do as she says, inhaling and exhaling until my nerves calm down enough that I can talk again.
"Okay, now tell me what you remember."
I close my eyes and try to recall my memory from last night.
"After I left, I couldn't remember which door was mine, then Faell came and set me on the bed...." I close my eyes in pain chewing on my bottom lip.
"I tried to make him kiss me." I rush out the words. "I don't remember anything else that happened after."
Then the most unexpected thing happens.
Amber starts laughing, she falls back on the bed fighting for air, clutching her stomach as she has a mini seizure.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I say, watching her in disbelief. How could she laugh in this circumstance?
When she catches her breathe she sits back up, her grey eyes filled with humor that I don't see fit for the situation.
She brushes her rusty hair from her face. "Lucky," she says softly. "You think you had sex with Faell?"
"I don't know." I say still cautious about her whole laughing seizure.
She smiles. "Lucky, when you left the beach yesterday. Faell found you collapsed on the floor next to the room, your dress drenched with puke. He couldn't help because, by then, he already transformed, so he called me to clean you up."
I gasp, cupping my mouth with a hand as Amber looks at me with narrowed eyes.
"You couldn't have had sex with Faell when you were out cold for the day." She cocks her head at me. "And I don't think it's possible to have sex with a cat." Amber physically cringes after that sentence.
"So that means only one thing," she says and falls back on the bed, facing the ceiling. Her auburn hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail and she wore a pink sundress, it complimented her skin tone and I think I'm realising why guys stare at her in the hallways.
I lie down beside her and ask. "What does it mean then?"
She takes my hand and squeezes. I don't really understand what that means. But I have a feeling it's supposed to express reassurance.
"I think you had a sex dream about Faell."
My breath catches in my throat and words fail me as I open and close my mouth.
"Fuck." I whisper.
"Indeed." Amber smiles. She props herself up on her elbow and looks down at me.
A slow grin spreads on her face. "I think you like Faell."
I shoot up from the bed and give her a death glare. "Don't ever say that again."
She rolls her head, exasperated cause we're apparently not on the same page. "C'mon Luck. Why do you think people have sex dreams?"
I can't argue with that. I do find Faell attractive and once or maybe even twice if I'm being honest with myself that I've wanted him to kiss me. But I'm not ready to admit I want to have sex with a demi-human. I'm not saying they're gross, opposite from that actually. They're awesome. And very disturbingly attractive.
Then why are you so adamant on not liking Faell?
"It's just...I'm not...please just let me process," I say finally, reluctantly rolling out of bed. I cast a glance toward where Faell used to to be curled up next to me and I feel empty for some reason.
I rub my forearms and force down my pride enough to ask where Faell went.
Amber shoots me a knowing smile. "Worried about his whereabouts are we now?" She quirks an eyebrow.
I give her a flat stare. She tsks and drops back on the mattress.
"His out, didn't really specify where he was going though."
Just then my phone lights up with a message, I race for it before Amber could pry her little devious hands on them.

Unknown number
You awake?

I narrow my eyes at the phone. Who texts are you awake when you don't even know them. Your fucking unknown for God's sake. My eyes travel to Amber propped up on her elbow who is silently staring at me. "There's a creepy stalker texting me," I say slowly.
Amber cocks her head and then a knowing look passes her eyes, then she falls back on the bed    another   fucking   time    laughing her ass off.
"I really don't get what's funny," I say, my arm dropping to my side.
Amber sighs, a smile still on her lips. "Your so funny Luck."
I cross my arms and give her a flat stare. I don't think I'm funny. Ever.
"I bought Faell a phone yesterday." She shrugs like it's nothing.
"What!? Don't look at me like that? He needed it alright!" She says in her defence.
I sigh and roll my eyes, looking back at my phone and saving his number.

Yeah, what is it?

Not even a good morning?

Where are you?

Some really cute cafe =^_^=

And what the hell are you doing there?

You should come, it's really vibey.

*eye roll*

Faell sends me the location and I internally sigh, heading to the toilet to shower.
I pause at the door and look at Amber who is still seated silently.
"What happened last night after I left?"
"I told that bitch to not question relationships. That they're taking it slow."
I scoff. "She believed it?"
"She has to. I mean, she told us she never had a relationship sooo..."Amber shrugs. "And even if she didn't believe my bullshit that isn't my concern. But it's definitely yours. Her mind's set on having sex with Faell. You saw her look."
I laugh and walk inside, closing the door behind me. "Faell's at some cafe and he wanted me to come," I say turning on the water.
I hear Amber squeal loudly. "Omg! You guys are going on a date! I couldn't have been more proud of you!" She giggles to herself.
I hear a few things getting moved around. "I am soo dressing you up."
"Amber." I warn not the slightest bit excited about the fact that she's probably going to make me wear some ball gown.
She snorts. "Don't worry."
I turn off the water and dry myself, slipping on a pair of cotton shorts and a singlet.
I step out and I'm glad there's no ball gown in sight. Just a simple green and white floral sundress.
Amber bounds towards me and pulls my arm, pushes me out the door and into her room.
Oh shit.
Hell na.

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