Last Chapter : All I Have

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Faell's POV

I don't remember much from my broken memories. They're just fractured pieces, mindlessly floating around in my head. I find myself drowning in them from time to time but it isn't that frequent anymore.
Some are voices others are visions.
I remember a small girl with long pigtails, roughly dragging me by my collar and throwing me into a room. She slammed the door shut and I yelped and flinched back. I heard a click and I rushed towards the door, desperately scratching at the wooden in an attempt to escape. It took me ten hours to realise that no one would open that door.
It was three days later when it finally opened. It was the same girl with the pigtails, and she didn't look very happy to see me.
"Your supposed to be dead!" She screeched, with a murderous look. "Why don't you just disappear. You and your unluckiness. Then me and Mother don't have to deal with you."
The voices I heard were distant and faraway.  I hear them sometimes when I have nothing to distract myself with.
"You good for nothing."
"Black cats have always been unlucky, filthy creatures."
"Darling, why don't you just get rid of the poor feline."
"Let's end its suffering."
I think I had a concussion because, I don't remember what happened to me. The first thing that's happened right after the concussion was me in the cold rain, shivering.
I didn't know my name.
I didn't know where I was.
I didn't really know what I was.
I didn't know who I was.
I just remember that that day I've never been so lucky in my entire life. I remember there was a girl with very kind eyes. She had such kind eyes, I never saw anyone look at me with such compassion.
She took me home that day. She gave me a name. She gave me clothes. She gave me food. She gave me a place to sleep. She gave me memories. And she made me happy. And she never, not even once called me unlucky.
She didn't even call me a black cat.
I liked her. From the first day I crawled under the covers and she hugged me in her sleep, I knew that she needed someone as well. As much as I did.
I liked how she hugged me in her sleep. It made me feel needed and wanted. Things I didn't get to feel or experience, ever.
She showed me patience. She showed me mercy. She showed me friendship and love. She showed me that luckiness and unluckiness don't exist, everything is just circumstances and the outcome isn't always perfect.
I think I'm the luckiest black cat in the universe for having a beautiful kindhearted girl.
A girl named Lucky.
Why does she look like she's begging.
I was waiting for Lucky for about thirty minutes and when I saw her exit the local library for some reason she looked relieved.
She suddenly flinched and stared at something on her nose, then smiled. "It's snowing." She whispered quietly.
She looks so peaceful.
She didn't notice me yet so I open my phone and start texting her.

What are you doing?

She physically trances back to the present, dropping her hands that were clasped together; whatever that was occupying her mind disappearing.
She fished her phone in her coat pocket and I felt my heart beat twice as hard when she smiled at her phone.
She sighed and leaned against a pole texting back, still with the small smile.

I had to finish a couple of things off, why?

Are you waiting for me again?

Pfft, no. I have more important things to do.

She laughs at this and pockets her phone again making her way towards me.
"If you haven't noticed me yet, you really need a new pair of eyes," I said, stepping towards her.
She looks shocked once she sees me but she quickly recovers her nonchalant demeanour.
"Creepy much." She mutters under her breath.
I lace my fingers with hers and I'm instantly shocked. "Your freezing," I say.
She looks up at the sky. "Well it is snowing."
I tuck her hand into my pocket. "Were you praying back there?" I arch an eyebrow, severely concerned with her behaviour.
She chuckles lightly, "It's nothing."
Lucky pauses, so naturally I also stop, she hovers a hand in the air and a small snowflake lands on her palm. It instantly melts and an awe like glimmer touched her eyes.
"Your eyes are blue." I whisper.
She laughs her eyes gazing at the sky.
I suck in a rush of air and untwine my hands from Lucky.
Her head snaps to me and she cocks an eyebrow questioningly.
I avoid her searching gaze and look down at the floor as my nerves kick in.
I rub my neck and regret not planning this at all. "Er...I have a...proposal," I say, my voice doesn't sound as confident as I hoped it would.
Lucky doesn't speak, she waits for me. I lower one knee to the floor and pulled out the small box that was deep in my pocket.
Lucky gasps audibly and covers a hand to her mouth. I feel her uneasiness sinking in. "Don't worry," I say. "I'm not really proposing to you."
She instantly relaxes, her frightened aura turning to something of apprehension.
I open the box and feel the weight of a thousand boulders when I say my next sentence. "Can you be my girlfriend, Lucky?"
Now both hands are covering her mouth and a tear slips from her right eye as she gazes at the small box in my hands.
Is it a sad tear?
Oh my God.
I can't breath.
She removes her hands from her face and I sigh once I see her smile.
"I thought," she whispers quietly. "We we're already dating Faell."
Her eyes find mine and I'm blown away by how beautiful she looks, some snowflakes resting on her biscuit coloured hair.
"Um...yeah. But not officially," I say lamely.
She wipes at the tear and laughs. "Your so stupid," she says but kids nevertheless. "But yes, I am overjoyed to be your girlfriend."
I release a shaky breath I hadn't known I was keeping, the weight instantly lifting from my shoulders.
I stand up and hug her tightly. "I thought you would say no." I whispered.
"Why would I do that?"
"Because, sometimes you just have this need to defy things."
"I'mma take that as compliment." She says.
I pull back and kiss her forehead. "I never meant it as an insult."
I tuck her hair behind her ears and gently place the earrings on. They were clover shaped with the leaves being green.
It matched my necklace and I thought it would be cute.
I hold her face in my palms and smile.
"I love you Lucky." I kiss both of her rosy cheeks.
"I love how you have the time to appreciate everything around you. I love how you tuck your hair behind your ear when your reading. I love how you don't remember anything when you sleep. I love how moody you are. I love how your inner self is overly compassionate. I love how you rub your collarbone when your nervous. I love how strong willed you are, but most of all, I fell in love with your love."
She blinks a few times like she's holding back tears and smiles at me. I stare at her smile, wanting so badly to engrave it in my heart somewhere and remember it with every waking moment of my life.
I lower my mouth to hers and kiss her because, if there was such a thing like a lucky clover she would be my one and only.

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