Chapter Two: A Strange Feline

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I watched the black cat as it lapped milk from a flat bowl, drying my short hair with a towel draped around my shoulders.
The rain was relentlessly tapping a rhythmical loop on my apartment window. "What should I name you?" I ask the cat.
It just looks at me then tilts its head towards the window nodding at it.
Am I insane or is this cat acting funny.
I gaze up at the window and ponder up a name.
"Rain...I can't call you rain," I say, tapping a finger on my chin. "Let's call you Faell instead. With an e just to be sophisticated. Alright?"
Don't ask me why I'm asking the cat if it likes it's own name.
Suddenly the finger tapping my chin came to a halt, a sudden lump forming in my throat. Are my eyes deceiving me!?
"Did    You    Just      Nod?"
Faell's eyes widen and he looks frightened. I slowly stand, backing up.
This isn't a normal cat.
My phone rings and we simultaneously whip our heads to the direction. I point a finger to Faell, giving him a hard stare "I'm not done with you."
I fetch my phone from the kitchen counter and answer the caller.
Shit. I think I lost my hearing.
"Amber calm down. It wasn't a big deal." I say to her, taking a moment to massage my ears.
"Big deal! Big deal! Lucky don't give me that bullshit. He fucking dumped you after two years. Two fucking years. And his GAY! For fucks sake, screwing what was his name again—JAVIER WILTON!!! Have you FORGOT or do I have to spell it out for you. His your STEPBROTHER. Oh for crying out loud."
I sigh, rolling my eyes. "I'm fine Amber," I say. "It's fine."
"No. It's. Not" she says stonily.
"Well. It's over so please let it go would you."
I can literally hear her rubbing her temple with a hand exasperated with my reaction. "Fine, but don't think just because you choose to ignore your problems that I won't sit there and not do anything about it."
"Mhmm," I say.
"Yeah, whatever. Love you," she instantly ends the call. Knowing I won't say it back.
I sigh and toss my phone on the sofa brushing a hand through my damp hair.
Faell who was now seated on the kitchen table looking at me curiously, meows for the first time.
I scoff. "What's that supposed to mean?"
I think he was trying to take the previous suspicion off him. "Not. Happening."
He visibly frowns.
"Oh my God. Could you stop acting like a human! It's creeping the fuck out of me." I say, rubbing my eyes.
I make a small cardboard box from the old shoebox in my room and place a blanket to make it comfortable, adding another for a pillow.
He walks to the mini house-box and makes himself comfortable. I refill his bowl with milk and walk over to him, I slipped on literally nothing and the bowl flew from my grasp and I landed on my ass, a second later the bowl shattered loudly on the the floor a few feet away from me. Faell jumped at the sudden sound, his tail raised and he shook violently. My shock registered after a moment and I got up from the ground. I pet Faell on the head and it seemed to calm him. "It's alright little fella."
It takes a whole hour, or it felt like so, cleaning up the mess I made. I refill another bowl again and look at the ground when walking; not to slip.
I place it next to him. "Sleep." I say and walk to my bedroom closing the door behind me, unwanted thoughts seeping through my mind's cracks.

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