Chapter Ten: Seven Shots

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I woke up with a throbbing headache and it didn't help that Amber came crashing into our room.
I see now what it means to witness a female barbarian and it is not pretty.
"C'mon you guys were going to be late!" She says and I use the blankets to cover my face as she opens the curtains. Blinding lights stream out through the giant balcony.
Faell groans beside me cupping his ears. "What is happening?" He asks slipping from under the covers, taking his warmth with him.
"My, oh my. Have I already said this before. But you look stunning in the morning," Amber remarks with an overly blarney tone.
Faell rises from the bed and laughs lightheartedly. "Thanks, I guess." The toilet door opens and a second later the shower turns on.
"Woah, woah. I am going to die if I see him after he showers. So now, as a loyal friend who does not simp on her best friends 'boyfriend' I will be leaving."
She pulls the blankets away from my face. I slap her hands away. "What!?" I say.
She gives me a hard stare. "Your going."
I sigh and roll my eyes.
She wags a finger at me. "Or else—"
"Yeah, yeah. I know the drill." I say.
You guys are adorable.

Adorable how?

I can't believe you guys sleep like that?
I thought you would sleep on the west side of the bed and him the far east.

We're a couple remember. And plus I get overly cold at night.

Yeah, sure you do.

Don't get any thoughts.

Who said I am.

Where are you anyways? I just came out of the shower and the whole house is quiet.

Heading to the amusement park.
Alice told me you had diarrhoea so you couldn't come.

You left me stranded? And I have diarrhoea for fucks sake!?

I called you before we left but you didn't answer then Alice told me you were in the bathroom having diarrhea.

Come again?
Alice told you. Out of all the people you believe that motherfucker.

Don't kill me.

I half didn't want to come anyways so like wtvr.

I heard something?
Is Faell here?

No his with us. But Kyle stayed behind.

Oh wow. *eye roll*

Yeah....SORRY *tear-filled eyes*

Where did the protective-fake-boyfriend of mine go?

He didn't know Kyle would stay behind if he did then he would never have left.

Then why is he here.

He told us he has things to do at home so he couldn't make it.

Problem. Why is he here? In your freakin house if he had things to do at home.

I'm just figuring that out right now.
That bitch. I will massacre her when she gets here. In the meantime I look through the closet for any jeans but come out empty handed.
I sigh and curse Amber for purposefully stealing the ones that were here yesterday.
I slip on a ridiculous yellow sundress and grab my book, slide on a pair of dark shaded sunglasses and head downstairs.
"Good morning." Kyle says with a genuine smile.
I keep in my eye roll. "Mornin'."
"Alice said you were...sick. So I was checking up on you."
That lying motherfucking bastard.
And she has to say I had diarrhea. For God's sake, now I look like I'm gonna shit myself at any second.
"I'm fine." I say and slip on a pair of flip flops at the door.
"You going down to the beach?" He asks.
"Yeah. Fresh air's nice."
He stands up from the sofa. "Can I join you?"He asks with a hint of hopefulness.
No. No. No. No.
"Sure," I say through a pained smile. I'm glad I'm wearing shades cuz I have tears in my eyes right now.
I open the door and am struck to the core by the body that's in my face. I step back and look up to a pair of bottle green eyes staring down at me.
"Hi," Faell says casually.
"Hey," I say.
Just then Kyle comes from the living room eyeing Faell with a dull frown. Faell's eyes flick to him and he narrows his eyes at him.
"What are you doing here? Thought you had things to do at home," he says with a daring tone in his voice.
I sigh and push at his chest to get him away from Kyle and this tension they were making.
I rest my sunglasses in my hair and plop down on one of the lounges and open my book in front of me, covering my view of everything as I start reading.
When the book starts talking about how the girl is so heartbroken I sigh and close it, setting it on my lap.
My eyes find Faell sitting on the lounge beside mine, his hands folded atop his head and cap that was shading his eyes. He looks like his asleep and I find myself staring at how relaxed he looks.
I'm staring but the only thing that's visible right now is his mouth and his very appealing full lips.
"You know I'm awake, right?"
I quiet startled gasp leaves me and I slap a hand to my mouth, a blush creeping up my neck. I lift up my knees and burry my face in them trying hard to cover my embarrassment.
Faell laughs and my blush spreads. I can feel it everywhere.
"Your eyes weren't closed?" I squeak.
He shakes his head and his smile widens even more.
"Don't worry gumdrop. It's normal for couples to stare," he says nonchalantly.
I groan and lift up my head. "I hate you." I say.
His head drops back in a loud laugh. "Your cute when your flustered." He says.
I'm so irritated right now I want the the earth to swallow me whole.
"I'm going to the bathroom." I deadpan and get up from the seat. Faell catches my wrist before I can walk away and pulls me to him.
My hands fly to any source of stability before I drop backwards.
"What are you doing!?" I hiss.
He smiles, eyes twinkling. I'm on his lap and my hands are around his neck and his are lazily hanging from my waist. I'm just realising right now that our noses are practically touching and I can feel his exhale on my cheeks. I hold my breath and look down, using my hair to cover my face.
"You know," Faell says hooking a finger under my chin to tilt my face back to his. His eyes bore into mine with a burning intensity.
"Your eyes aren't just hazel, they're amber and green and when you look out at the water they're blue sometimes. Right now though, they're chocolate." He doesn't smile or laugh. He just stares and I'm getting lost in his stare.
My eyes flicker to his mouth and it doesn't help when he licks them.
Holy fucking moly.
I'm a dead woman.
Faell's darkened eyes drop to my leg, he gazes at it so intently that I can feel his stare like he has two lasers instead of eyeballs, and it isn't helping that my thigh is bare. He lifts his hand and so delicately slides it across my knee.
I become rigid all over. Faell's palm makes contact with my knee and I hold in the urge to gasp.
Faell's eyes are still on my leg when he speaks in a low voice. "This dress looks really nice on you."
My unstable body tell his hand to stay there but my brain tells my body no. Faell's pointer finger makes a small circle on my knee and I'm holding my breath everything inside me freezing except my panicked heart.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
"I need to go to the bathroom. I have diarrhoea so can you please let me go before I shit all over your shorts," I say, but I'm disappointed that my voice barely made it out of my throat. 
A grin forms it's way on his face. "Since you asked nicely." His hand reluctantly scrapes away from my thigh leaving a burning sensation in its wake, his other arm slinking away from my waist. I stand up on shaky legs and try my best not to give him eye contact as I head inside.
Only then do I notice Kyle seating on a rock near the water his narrowed eyes on Faell. His eyes flick to mine and he gives me a timid wave and I'm just realising he saw all that.
And I'm also realising maybe Faell did that whole thing just to make Kyle jealous.
I don't know how long I was asleep or when I had actually fallen asleep but I know I'm waking up when someone gently shakes me.
My eyes slowly flutter open and I find Faell looking down at me. "What is it?" I say, my voice cracking with sleep.
He smiles brushing my hair from my face. I turn my head the other way and pretend that didn't make my pathetic heart flutter. He just smiled and touched my hair. I'm making it sound like we had freakin sex.
"We're having drinks outside, let's go."
I take note that he said let's go instead of are you coming. I see his getting tips from Amber.
Not good.
"But I just woke up," I grumble.
He laughs, "c'mon, or if your incapable of walking I have no problem with carrying you there."
That makes me to sit up and I roll my eyes as when he smiles. Faell takes my hand like this out normal routine and we walk back down to the beach.
The sun is still out so we have about one and a half hours before Faell turns back into a cat.
My eye find seats that are placed in a circle, bottles of alcohol at a table in the middle of all the chairs. Seven cups are filled to the top in front of each chair.
I don't like what I'm seeing.
I'm not good with alcohol.
Everyone sat waiting, and Amber waves for us to take a seat.
"Alice said we play a game of truth, with a twist. There's drinks as you can see. If you rather not answer a question then instead of taking one shot. You take seven."
Oh for the life of me.
I sigh into my seat, my limbs feeling heavier than ever.
"Alright, let's start with you Kyle." Amber says, a nervous laugh leaves his lips.
Sara hops up from her seat. "Oo oo! I have a question!" She says.
Amber nods, giving her the go ahead. 
"Who's your favourite person here?" She says and I'm certain she's asking that for her sake.
He leans forward his eyes set on me and takes a shot and another and another until he reaches the seven. He places the cup down without breaking eye contact and smiles.
Sarah pouts and dramatically flops back in her seat.
To say I'm uncomfortable would be an understatement. Faell puts a protective hand on my leg and I give him a glare. He isn't looking at me though his eyes are dead set on Kyle.
"Ooookay," Amber says, eying my reaction with a smile, she then turns to Alice. 
"Alice. When was your last serious relationship?" Amber asks her.
"I never had one," she says and I hadn't missed the look she cast Faell. "I don't plan on one either."
I narrow my eyes at her.
Is she indirectly telling me she's gonna try to have sex with Faell.
Ambers dubious eyes land on Riley. "Riley. Are you a virgin?"
Riley flushes bright red and takes seven shots and I'm absolutely certain she is embarrassed because she is.
"Moving onto Luck. Ummm.." Amber ponders for a moment, a finger tapping her chin.
"Are you really dating Faell here?" Alice's voice shocks me.
I turn to her, eyebrows raised. "What's your problem?"
Her eyes turn to thin slits. "If you guys are dating. I mean really dating we haven't even seen you kiss. Once."
Riley bounces up from her seat, an amused smile on her lips. "I mean, I'm not trying to be all up in your business or anything but I've been sus lately."
I rub my collarbone anxiously as I look to Amber for guidance. She turns her palms face up and half shrugs.
Just kiss him. She mouths.
What do you mean!!!????
I turn to Faell and his mouth quirks up in a half smile. He leans in and whispers something in my ear. "You scared, gumdrop?"
Goosebumps rise on my neck as I realise what his implying.
He watches my expression carefully, as he leans in, closer and closer and even closer until I can feel his breath on my lips.
I abruptly push him away and throw myself at the table drinking the shots that are lined up.
Two, five, seven, ten. My throat burns when I slam the fourteenth cup down. I wipe my chin with the back of my hand and turn to Alice. I jab a furious finger at her, my eyes blazing.
"You jealous little bitch! I can't believe you!" I trudge inside kicking sand furiously as I go.
I hobble upstairs and forget which rooms mine.
Just my luck.
Was it the left?
It must be the left.
"It's the right." Someone says from behind me, almost exasperated.
I continue heading towards the left.
I hear an audible sigh and someone picks me up from behind.
Everything goes blurry as I peer at Faell. I have to concentrate real hard because right now he looks like a dolphin. I loop my arms around his neck to keep my head from falling backwards.
"Why were you trying to kiss me?" I say, I don't actually understand what I just said it didn't sound coherent to my ears and I'm surprised he answered.
"Because I was supposed to." His eyes are trained on something ahead of us, his face blank. I feel sad that he isn't looking at me.
I roll my eyes. "Of course, 'your supposed to'," I mumble.
He lowers me down on the bed but I don't let go of his neck. He raises his eyebrows questioningly.
I give him a lopsided grin. "Why don't you kiss me right here, right now?"
"Why? What would that prove?" He asks bewildered.
I frown. "Do you like me Faell?" I ask.
Something like pain flashes through his green eyes as he looks at me. "Yeah. But—"
"Then kiss me Faell."
He tries to pry my hands off him but I stand strong.
"Don't do this, Luck. Your drunk, your going to regret this," he says, his voice full of warning.
I huff impatiently. "It doesn't matter. Faell are you gonna kiss me or not?"
His eyes widen his eyebrows shooting up. He looks like his battling with his conscious. A battle his miserably losing.
"Luck let me go now."
Instead, I do the total opposite and with all my might I pull him onto the bed.

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