Chapter Twelve: A Date?

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Is this it?
I mean it's cute enough.
I sigh and push the transparent doors open. I look around and I don't blame Faell for thinking this cafe is unbearably cute. The theme was a blinding turquoise and white. 
I see him smiling at me from the booth that's farthest away facing a large window.
I notice Faell watches me as I'm walking.
I fucking hate this.
"Hey," he says once I'm seated across from him. His eyes twinkle with his smile and I just noticed he isn't wearing a hat.
Oh shit.
He isn't wearing a hat.
"What are you doing?" I hiss.
He pouts his ears falling back. "What?"
"Your ears," I say exasperated.
"Haven't you noticed that everyone has cat ears." He says, inclining his head behind me.
I turn around and my eyes find many people wearing cat eared hair bands.
I smile and face him again. "Well that's great."
His quiet for a moment and my eyes float towards the window.
I find a cloud that's shaped just like a strawberry they're so white and fluffy they remind me of cotton candy. I can feel a faint a smile on my lips. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I say.
"Very beautiful." He says softly.
I face him with a dubious look. "Do you even know what I'm talking about?" I ask. He shrugs nonchalantly.
The waiter comes shortly after and I ordered a vanilla shake and banana bread and two chocolate donuts and a cup of milk for Faell. 
The waiter abruptly stops writing in the mini notepad and looks at me funny. "Sorry miss, we don't sell milk."
I cast my eyes heavenward. "Don't you make shakes with milk," I say. The young waiter nods hesitantly.
"Can't you be a little generous and give us a cup of milk then. For God's sake." I say exasperated.
The waiter curtly nods and walks away. I sigh, folding my hands on the table and resting my head in them.
Faell also folds his arms and rests his head on them. Now we're staring at each other, upside down.
He smiles appreciatively at me. "Thanks, gumdrop."
"You said you preferred milk," I say simply.
"Your eyes are blue now," he says quietly.
I try to fight a smile. "Why is my eye colour so very interesting?" I ask curiously.
He shrugs, "it kind of reflects your mood. It's weird isn't it?" He says.
I lick my lips, pondering for a moment. "Yeah, kinda. I don't really believe eyes change their colour." I say.
His quiet for a moment then he leans over and presses his lips on my forehead. He immediately sits back up like he committed an offence and I'm blinking rapidly trying to process what happened.
He kissed me?
But there's no reason for him to.
I slowly sit back up, Faell doesn't look at me though. His looking everywhere but me.
Even in my low key shock I smile at his nervous energy. "Your cute when your flustered." I say, repeating what he said to me earlier.
His head snaps my way and there's a little red in his cheeks, if I'm not mistaken. He opens his mouth to say some stupid retort but the waiter comes with our order.
I stick out my tongue and his lower lip protrudes outward in a pout.
When the waiter sets down the plate I literally attack my banana bread. When it enters my mouth I am surprised of how it just melts and the spongey texture and the sweet flavour. Oh my God. I never knew banana bread could taste so divine.
Faell's head snaps up, his eyes dark. "Don't make that sound," he says gravely.
I cock my head at him. "What are you talking about?"
His eyes hold a menacing glint. "You just moaned. Don't ever do that," he says seriously.
"Why?" I say teasingly, taking another bite of my bread and chewing slowly. After I swallow I make sure to make my sigh audible.
Faell drops his donut and a muscle in his jaw twitched, he squeezed his eyes shut.
"Oh my God, Lucky! Are you testing my patience?" He says with obvious aggravation.
I shrug. "I don't know what your talking about. Please let me eat my food in peace."
He pushes his plate away from him and leaves the booth, stomping his way outside.
I laugh so hard I'm trying not to choke on my food. Some people give me weird looks but I don't really give a damn.
I finish my food and his and pay for the them, walking out the door with a full stomach. Faell's outside, leaning against the wall. His arms were crossed and his head was hanging between his shoulders, his blonde hair fanning his face.
Even from this distance I can tell his jaw's tight.
His ears twitch and he lifts his head when I approach. For some reason his glower makes me smile.
I don't miss his eyes slowly travelling down my body and I think maybe this dress is way to short.
He clears his throat and turns his head away when I'm standing in front of him.
"So where do you want to go now?" He says, without making eye contact.
I smile, holding out my hand. He arches a quizzical brow but doesn't protest, lacing his fingers with mine.
Even though I know that we're nowhere near Alice or Kyle or anyone else in particular that would be interested in our relationship. For some weird reason I feel like having Faell as a 'boyfriend' helps me get my mind off the depressing aspects of my life. Even if it's for a little while.
"OH MY GOD! Did your ears just move!"  A small girl shouts, rushing towards us.
She looks up at Faell with big blue eyes that were filled with awe.
Oh shit.
"Um...his ears are just like yours," I say with obvious panic. "But they just it's—"
"Technological." Faell finishes for me.
The small girl looks very confused. "What does that mean?" She says.
I look at Faell. He clears his throat trying to build an appropriate response for a girl no less then five.
"It means that it works differently." He says. I literally face palm myself internally. Is that how you answer a five year old.
She's quiet for a second. "I don't know what that means but can I touch them mister?" She asks, her eyes pleading.
Faell crouches down and the girl pets his ears. I watch his reaction closely and I'm surprised his face twists like his going through pain.
"They feel so real." The girl says, stepping back.
"Honey, don't touch strangers like that." A women says seizing her hand. She shoots us an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, she can be a little too curious for her own good sometimes."
Faell shakes his head standing back up, he smiles at the little girl. "No worries. I think your daughter is really smart."
The women walks away but before they're out of view the small girl turns around and waves. "Goodbye mister real-life ears!" She shouts.
Faell and I laugh, waving back.
"This makes me feel like I'm owned." Faell whines, fingering the necklace I bought for him.
We went to a vintage store and I found this very intriguing necklace of a four leafed clover.
"Well technically speaking; you are my cat." I scrunch up my nose. "Pretend I never said that. It sounds weird when I say it out loud."
Faell doesn't respond, still staring down at the necklace with a thoughtful face. I pull his hand when he nearly collided with someone.  
"It suites you." I reassure him. He turns to me with a sly smirk. "You think?"
"Yes, very."
He brushes a hand through his sun streaked hair. "Of course it is. It is me who's wearing it after all."
I roll my eyes. "Stop being an asshole."
"Yeah, sorry." He looks down bashfully.
We walk for a while until I see something that catches my eyes. "You wanna watch a movie?" I ask.
He shrugs, "your call, gumdrop. I've never been on a date."
"Are you a fan of horror?"
He looks terrified when I make my way to a theatre. I buy two tickets and we walk inside.
"The Nun?" He squeaks. I nod, grinning widely. "Your gonna love it."
We take a seat towards the back. "Stay here, I'll go get some popcorn." I say.
I stand again but Faell grabs my wrist, I turn around with a confused look.
"Don't worry, I'll be right back in a sec." I say reassuringly, trying to pry off his hand.
He shakes his head his eyes studying me. "Your dress, gumdrop. It'"
I freeze, my blood running dead in its tracks. I shut my eyes for a brief second. "Are you joking, Faell?"
He shakes his head. "I'm not laughing, Luck."
I inhale a shaky breath and squeeze my eyes shut again.
Oh miGod.
It can't be.
"What's the date today?" I whisper. 
A crease forms between Faell's brows. "Why's that important?"
"Please just tell me the date, Faell."
"Todays the twelfth, why?"
Shit shit shit shit. Oh holy fucking moly.
I'm dead. Please kill me. Oh Lord why?
Out of all the bad things that could happen you give me public fucking embarrassment.
I get my period on the one day where I'm hoping I don't get. Yet the world knows. The world knows every damn thing good that's going on and it has to be a bitch and ruin it all.
Faell rises from his seat and shrugs off his jacket and wraps it around my waist. He brushes a gentle hand through my hair. "Gumdrop, it's alright, we're leaving. Please don't panic."
He presses my face into his shoulder and walks me out as I cover my face with my hands.
I have to be this pathetic. I just wanted to have one day. One fucking day for all the unlucky things to go away and you know what the world does? It makes it end in the worst possible way.
My hands that were covering my eyes are now wet. I pull them back not at all surprised to see tears.
Wow, now I'm crying.  
I don't realise we're on a taxi until it starts moving.
Faell loops an arm around my shoulder and pulls me to his chest, whispering reassuring words in my ear.
I don't really hear anything he says though. The only thing I hear is the world laughing mockingly at my situation:
Oh you poor thing. You should've been named unlucky.

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