casual day in LA

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Bucks POV 

I run towards the stairs. The last survivor hung over my shoulder. He  is alive unresponsive  , but i need to get out of here quickly. When i get to the stairs, it's blocked by blazing fire, shit . I run back up the stairs "this is buckley i have a man in his early to mid fifties alive but a pretty severe  leg injury and unresponsive  on the second flour but the stairs are blocked i need  way out" ...silence " damnit my radio must be damaged of course it is . I go back up the stairs and reach the next floor where the fire hasnt reached yet and the visablity was a bit better, i sit him  against the furthest wall from the stairs He stirs slightly coughing he says," Son its ok , leave me you have done the best you could "his head fall back down "No No No NO sir? you have to try and stay awake. "  i look around, trying to find something to help us get out of here. i look around and see an emergancy fire hose on the wall , i get and idea , i run up and smash in the glass and unravel the hose  and bring the man over i wrap the end around the man multiple times and tightly secured it i know this may not be the best idea i have had but Im desperate at this point and no back up is coming as far i know, even if they were looking for me they would be able to get past the second floor in time.  i open the window a wide as i can  and carry the man out i the sit on the  floor with my feet against the wall and slowly lower him down, i just hope that someone realises so they can untie him so i myself can get down , when the weight drops i know hes on ,the ground i stick my head out the window but no one is around, damnit i shout to try get someones attention , i take my head out of the window and go back to the room i try to open the door but the handle is hot . what am i going to do ? "BUCKK" i sigh with reilef ,Eddie , i run back to the window to see Eddie assisting the man on the floor and the  rest of the 118 following over once the man is untied i pull myself out the window coughing at the taste of the fresh air i cant secure myself to the hose since nobody can lower me down so i wrap my arm around the hose a few times and lean back and slowly try to walk down ,

" Buck, i swear if you fall ill .. " i heard eddie saying beofore i slipped down about 15ft but my foot got tangled in to hose before i hit the ground i hung upside down with my head about 3 feet above the ground "you  absolute idiot "half stressed half amused . Eddie grabbed under my arm as Cap untangles my foot when um securely on the ground Eddie supports me back to the truck , even though im perfectly fine but apparently its not enough for the teams so i have to get checked out . "Why did you not use your radio ? eddie pressed on. " i broke it," i shrugged. " Evan buckley, you are going to be the death of me," he said with a bit of a laugh .

And there it was that name usually when people called me Evan i would shudder i hated the sound of it it sounded harsh and it just didnt resonate with me , But , When eddie says it, Its different, When he says it its calming and makes the world slow down even just for a minute . 

We head back to the station shortly after I have a check-up, and once everyone was satisfied that nothing was wrong ," Do you want to come to mine for dinner ? Chris would love to see you, "he says as he leans against the truck, his arms crossed .(That's attractive , omg wtf, i think) " Sure, i have nothing on." i smile 

when Eddie walks away, i shake my head, get this out of you head hes you friend...

words~ 748

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