late night drive

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days later

I walk into the station as fast as i can im already 20mintues late ,my car broke down 4 blocks away and i had to call a tow truck , i get changed and quickly try to slot in at the table before bobby can notice my apperance at the table , "Oooh buckley is late" chimney whispers in a teasing manner. " You shush i say try not to draw attention to myself ."BUCK," bobby shouted. my face dropped, and my chimney looked fairly amused. " oh sorry i taught you were still downstairs," bobby said as he turned around to see me . this was here when i got here. It's addressed to you. it was a cupcake with a note saying thank yo for your help , Eddie peered over my shoulder to read it , "Usually its not adressed to a just one firefighter "Eddie sort of frowning "i sure it was of the GrEaT evan buckley fanclub memebers " chim said while flapping his arms around and laughed . " Ah, shut up, chim. i laugh . grabbing some of the bacon and eggs bobby had laid on the table, Eddie pulls out the chair from beside me and sits down. "Hello Buckeroo," he says while grabplate for himself

Eddies pov

i finish loading up my plate . and turn to see buck wave back since his mouth was full before smiling ( he is so cute ). Wait, what i dont even know? " So... are you busy after work ?" i say casually ."Nope, dont think so." Buck tries to say between mouthfuls of food . "Want to go see a movie with me and Chris." "yeah sure " he sounds excited . Oh gosh, im smiling . i excuse myself and go put my plate in the sink .

just in time, the bell goes, and everyone scrambles to the trucks

Time skip to after the fire (still eddies pov)

im starving after that buck state to the team. i think those two words come out of his mouth the most." Of course you are i have never met someone as much as an appitite as you i say with a bit of a laugh but when i look at buck hes not paying attention but looking across the road.

"You ok buck?" i say, walking around to see what he was looking at

" Eh yeah, i mean, it's nothing. i feel like i have seen that car a lot recently." jerking his head in the direction of a black sedan

" im sure its nothing buck your in LA Alot of people have sedans " i put my hand on his shoulder a directed him to the truck with one last look at the car i hope i get into the truck.

the drive back to the station was quite i think everyone was just tired after the shift so i just look out the window and then look at buck who is almost half asleep before we go over a speed bump and he knocks his head of the window and jumps up startled . that made everyone laugh before rolling into the station.

" i hop down from the truck followed by buck
"So are you still up for this evening if you're not? It's ok ?"i ask

"No, don't worry, i wouldn't miss it." Buck smiles

ok, I'll collect you at 7?" i say

" yep thats ok," he says before heading to the changing rooms

i grab my bag and head to the truck, and i see buck walking out of the station. "Where are you going?" i say

" My car broke down this morning. Im just going to walk,"he points to the path

" Get in the car, i say and he comes over

i pull out of the station and start driving toward bucks apartment, after five minutes i notice a black car behind us i have a weird feeling " hey buck i just need to run inot a shop quickly" i say .

i take a right turn at the next block, the car follows Shite i think , no dont panic it could just be a coincidence i drive and take the next right turn on the block the car is still there , if hes still there after the next turn im going to the police i turn right ,

the car turns left , i let out a breath. it's ok. i think i was just being irational

"Eddie, are you ok?" Jeez, i almost forgot that buck was still there." " yeah no im grand. i just remembered that carla picked up what i needed earlier, and i forgot . will i just go to mine if you're already ready ?" i say to change the topic

"yea thats ok with me," he says

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