A phone call away

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The coms go silent.

"Commander ,come in "lapd captains says
"Cap, you're going to want to see this,"the Swat commander says
Elaine jumped up and darted out of the tent ,I jumped up to
"Eddie , where are you going ?" Athena says
Me "athena, I need to go , something wrong,"
Athena "I can't let you do that."

Me :"Why?! Because he could be hurt or dead?! I need to know I'd he's alright"

Athena, "That is exactly why I'm not letting you go up there. I have no idea what condition buck is in or if he's even..., don't you think my heart is skipping a beat at the thought of it ?! Eddie, he is like a son to me !"

Me"ok.." I say as a go to sit back down athena tuen her back and I sprint , out the tent into the building , I don't care if this gets me arrested I need to know if buck is OK
I sprint up 3 flight and run through the apartment door I can't see buck but the Swat team, and Elaine are standing in a room off to the left , I keep my head down and enter the room ,
I'm horrified ,I look at the wall and see dozens of pictures of buck at the station, at his apartment, with bobby , maddie. Chimney, me, these photos are most likely everywhere buck ever goes , and there's more , there is a section of a young kid mostly outside a house. On bike and just playing on the curb , and I start to take in the pictures are old, the boy has a familiar blind hair and .. and a birthmark as a very familiar birthmark , buck birthmark , these photos are all of buck.

Athena then burst through the door
Athena "Eddie?!"
Everyone turns around and takes notice of me now ,
Me "I just ... needed to know if he was - "
Me "was dead , but... he's not here. "
I swipe my face with my sleeve ,

Elaine "eddie , he's not here but that means he is most likely still alive , there to much planning her just to kill him off...... and I know that sounds harsh , Bur, you just have to have faith that we will find him. "She places a hand on my shoulder as she says this

Elaine " im going to bring you back to the station , I need to go back and meet the fbi analyst anyway , this place is going to do you no good."

I try to convince athena and Elaine that I need to stay, but she's an lapd captain , and I was lucky she didn't just arrest me

We drive in silence for a bit

Elaine: "You really care about buck?"

Me"yeah... he's my best friend. "

Elaine "mhm"

Me "nothing more captain "

Elaine " I didn't say you were, but eddie you did that's all I'm saying "

Me "very clever Elaine"

Elaine "eddie.. we are going to find him. Sooner or later , we're gonna get these bastards "

Me " thank you ,Cap, for everything... i know I haven't been the easiest to deal with, but I gonna be honest with you because I feel like I can , me and buck the night before he was kiddnapped had a fight , he was around at mine we had a few drinks , and we started talking most nonsense thinking about it , bucka asked me what we were...and I will never forgive My self for not telling him ,Elaine, its my fault he left because of ME , he would have been safe if I hadn't have been so stupid and lied to him about how I felt i-i "

Elaine:" eddie ?! You cannot blame yourself for this, yes he was vulnerable because he was alone after he left yours but they would have got him later that week or month , eddie hisi was not your fault, you could not have prevented this , "

Me :"Evan , he's been through so. So much Elaine, he's been lucky , he survived alot but im so scared , I'm terrified that he'll run out of luck , and I'm terrified we are running out of time " I start to sob and I can't control it even when I try to

Elaine comforts me until we get to the station we both get out of the car and follow inside , she's ahead of me as if walk in , I get a call , I don't know the number , but answer

"Eddie?" I hear a weak whisper
"Buck ?!" I practically shout out so the whole station can hear
Elaine darts toward me and tells me to put the speaker on , I do just that, and some cop starts to track the call

Elaine "keep the call live," she whispers

"Evan , ev are you Ok? Where are you? Are you hurt ?!" I whisper

Buck" ,eddie... I- I don't know,"

Me ; "I don't know what buck?!" I whisper
Buck : where I am .. but it's in LA, I think . It's a - a house , bungalow, and I-" buck starts to cough

Me ;" Ev, I need you to listen, ok?! Can you get out or escape? Are they still around?!"

Buck, im sorry, eddie. "

Me ;" Ev you have nothing to be sorry for ok , I'm the one that's sorry but we need to get you first ok?! "

Buck ; " they - are dosing me with something I don't , don't know what it is "he start to cough again
" I think I might have a few "[cough] broken ribs. "

Me " Ev just a few seconds more ok we almost have you " start crying.

Buck " Eds , it's, it's Ok ,don't, don't cry, I love y-"

?: "EVAN WHERE DID YOU GET THAT GIVE IT HERE ?!" A woman's voice shouts

I hear a grunt from Buck who is obviously trying not to give the phone over
I'm shouting to buck, but I get no response
Buck " no.. stop give it to m-"
I hear a distance scramble on the other side, and another voice joins a deeper voice

: " I got him," the deeper voice says

: " Get to the car , we have to go , I'll get the medication," a softer voice says, and the call hangs up

Me : " BUCK?!" I shriek
All around me, there's an uproar, everyone is rushing around

?:" WE GOT A LOCATION!" Someone shouts
I run towards my car and hop in
I'm coming buck , I'm going to get you back

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