end of the line

71 3 0

Multiple police cars are darting up this stretch of road, and I'm following closely , my chest is aching at the taught of buck , what if they did something to him because he called me ?

The police cars come to a stop outside a small dinghy house 
I run out of car but athena stops me in my tracks ,

SWAT is about to enter if you don't want me to arrest you, eddie, and trust me, it's the last thing I want to do you will stay put" she says

I look being me and see a car comes to a halt , bobby jumps out
"Is buck ok?" He crys

"We don't know bobby , we entering now "athena says rubbing Bobby's arm

I watch as the SWAT commander and his team approch the door

"3,2,1 BREACH"He harshly whispers

Bucks pov (after the call )

The man grabs me and drags me  by my bad leg down the hall to the kitchen his woman grabs rope, and he starts to tie my ankles wrists and tie my arms to my body , he gets to duct tape and puts it on my mouth , I start to panic with the tape over my mouth finding it hard to breath.

i can feel my eyes bulge out of my head when i see the woman come back with a needle and a small bottle , i start to try to knock the man off of me by kneeing him , i hear him roughly grunt as i knee him in the rib 

" we need him to stay knocked out till we are 2 states away nearly give me the bottle " the man says roughly 

the woman hands him the bottle and i watch eye wide as he fills the syringe 

" hold him still " i hear the man says 

i feel the woman press her hands into my shoulders to keep me from getting up , i look into her eyes she crying 

" im sorry , im sorry , we just cant have them taking you from us again love , we dont want to hurt you , you just need to stop fighting against us "  she says tear dropping onto my face 

i feel the syringe penitrate my skin , and im overcome the the same whoozy feeling that im starting to get familiar with 

i need to keep fighting i cant stop

"give him another dose to make sure  "  i hear a voice say 

i need to keep fighting i cant 

i need to  keep fighting i-i

i need to I-I can't 

I-I C-can't

I feel the darkness consume me .... maybe.. this is it , the end of the line 

Eddie pov 

I stand beside Athena as we watch the bodycam footage of the SWAT officers , they breach , they run from room to room clearing them  , 

" out the back off the house " i hear the radio transmit 

i watch the screen as the officer come face face with a man in the back he has a gun pointed toward the officers 

|" LAPD SWAT PUT THE GUNS DOWN " i hear the voice on the radio 

as i peer closer i see that theirs also a woman shes sitting in the back of the car arm wrapped around the familiar blonde 

"WE ARE LEAVING WITH OUR SON" The man screams 

"I DONT THINK HES BREATHING " the woman cries 

i look at Athena and then back to the screen and back to Athena and before i know it Im running , no sprinting to the house and through the door i run down the hallway and into the kitchen and back out through the back door 

i hear one of the officers say " sir you shouldn't be in here " but i push past him and stop a few feet away from the man with the gun , 

" My name is Eddie Diaz.... i work with Buck he's...... he's my best friend..No he more , i love him . i love him so, so fucking much , And he tried to tell me , and a-and i panicked and i let him leave. he left my house and i let him and i shouldn't have , i should have ran after him , so please let me have him back... im a paramedic and h-he's not breathing and frankly i cant let him die , " i cry tears stinging my cheeks 

 ." I love him" is croak out 

the man looks to me and then back to the car . tears start to form in his eyes , he then lowers his gun dropping it to the floor 

"help him " the man whispers 

the police start to come over as the man surrenders himself i dont wait i start sprinting towards the car. I fling open the door , the woman is shook still holding onto buck tightly .

" please let me help him" i barely manage to whisper 

she just nods and lets go of Evan , i grab him under the arms and pull him out of the back of the car , i lay him flat on the floor , my tears dropping onto his face , i quickly check his pulse , nothing i see Bobby and  Athena crash to there knees beside me medic bag in hand along  ,i scan his body with my eyes when i spot his arms

"PASS THE NARCAN "  i order to Athena  she swiftly passes it to me 

i Administer the Narcan to buck , holding my breathing waiting , hoping for him to respond

relief spreads through my body hen i hear a small gasp escape from his mouth and his chest rises 

Bobbys crying " Oh buck .. oh buck " over and over 

" Edd'e " i hear a whisper barely legiable 

i look to see buck lifting his hand to me and i take his hand in both of  mine i hold him tightly as if if i let go he would disappear again , i watch as tears stream down bucks face 

" you found me " he cries 

" im so sorry e-evan this , this is all my fault i shouldn't-t have let you leave " i cry 

" this isnt your f-fault " evan says squeezing  my hand

for a moment everything feels silent neither of us talk only taking comfort in our hands being intertwined 

then the paramedics arrived they start to get ready to move buck 

" edd'e p-please dont let go " buck pleads 

" im not going anywhere Evan" i say placing my hand on the mans face 

" i love you Evan..... always have ... always will...." i whisper to him 


A/N - sorry for leaving everyone on a cliffhanger for ages , im back i just had exams i will be updating my other stories soon!!!! hope you like this story lmk what you think !

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