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Eddie pov

Time jump to the next day

I have been in the station since athena drove us here yesterday, athena offered to give me a call when they found something, but I can't leave, not now , not when Buck needs me the most... , there hasn't been much news yet , the detectives are just combing through the ccv footage from the last 6 weeks I think they said, between bucks apartment and the station , athena has been letting me in on the bits she does know, apparently they have called Mr and Mrs buckely, and they are going to arrive in LA tomorrow morning , they have also called the specialist from the fbi to come and analyse the case since this is as this as been identified as a repeated offence or something athena told me ,
I haven't slept , I can't, any time I close My eyes I can only see buck , I see him leaving my house. His face after I shouted at him, it repeats over and over in my head. He must have been so scared , and what if he's hurt ? What is he s ,he's.... all these thing are swirling around my head, and it hurts, athena said that they most likely won't hurt buck badly ...if he complies because they see him as their own according to their statements ,

But im still scared, scratch that I'm terrified, I'm fucking terrified, I'm terrified that I'll never see him again , it terrifies me that I might never get to tell him how I feel, I'm terrified ill never be in the same room as him ,or laugh together during a shift or watch movies with Chris, I might never rant to him about my day, never tease him about how clueless he can be ... im terrified that... I... will never be able to say that I like him and that... I... want to spend the rest of my life with him ..

Athena : "Hey, eddie."
She says as she sits beside me in the chair
Me" have , you heard anything," i say, clearing my throat ,

Athena " not ,not yet, but we're hopeful we will within the next couple of hours , and the fbi specialist should be arriving soon."

We both sit there in silence . My chest starts to swell, and I can't stop
Me"athena i-i he could be hurt badly , what if we can't find him i -" im starts to panic

Athena "eddie come with me. You're having a panic attack. "

Athena drags me into the closest office.
Athena "eddie, I need you to breathe, ok? In and out , in for 4 seconds. Out for 4 seconds, " she tells me

After about 20 minutes, my breathing is back to normal ,
Me " athena i-" I started before someone burst through the door
A man in his 30s burst in " Athena we have something."
Athena jumps up and runs out the door , I follow closely,
I walk into the main office foe bucks case, and there's loads of cops in here
And I hear the lead detectives talk
"OK people, we have tracked the black sadan that has been as the victim rvan buckleys home and work to an apartment 4 blocks from the 118 fire station, load up and were going in."
She says to the room
Everyone gets up and exits and quickly ,
Me " athena.." I say as she is quickly picking up paper from the table and bringing it to a desk

Athena "eddie, seriously, you can not come on a live call. You're a civilian at this time, I can't do -"
I'll go as an onsite paramedic. I'll grab dome gear, please Athena, i have to. "I plead
Athena "You're going to have to clear that with the captain ,"
I run up to the captain, and after pleading with her, she tells me I can sit in a patrol car onsite as a paramedic if anyone asks .
Every loads up and leaves 2 minutes later , there are no sirens on so that they are not alerted but us ,
Swat loads out there, van and sets up, and sets up a tent outside with computers and coms .
"SWAT your re cleared to enter the building," the captain of the lapd says
I watch through the screen in the tent. The footage is from the Swat teams' Live body cams , my skin is crawling , and I hold my breath as they reach the door ,
One member of Swat approaches the door
the door flies open..

Thxx so much for reading. I hope you are enjoying it so far. Another update will be made within the next few hours

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