The dining table.

175 4 3

Tw , needles etc

Bucks pov

I wake up feeling dazy. My head is spinning. I can't tell what'd up or down , but I hear two voices in the distance , there talking but I cant hear what they are talking about I try to move my arms again but I cant I feel weak and I just lie back down Try to think of something to do. But my head feels like a mashed potato right now
The voices suddenly come closer and I brace myself as two people enter the room,  the woman from earlier and a man. This is who the woman must have been referring to earlier ,
The man kneels down beside the bed beside  me
" hey, how would you feel about having some dinner. I know you haven't been feeling well but I think you should try eat some "he smiled  now I'm really creeped out but I don't have the energy to fight back and I'm , so so hungry so I nod , the man unstraps my arms and for a second I think tht I should try to push the man , I do but my arms don't make it very far and he just grabs me , he drags me down the hall and I can't top him , his wife follows us down the hall
They sit me at a dining table and hand cuff me to the chair .
I have no idea ,why , why are they holding me here , do they know me ? They know so much about me , or maybe they suffering from something and to be honest I have no idea

The wife leaves and reappears with food and places it on the table and they both sit down, they start talking about there days , the man about how work was and the woman about how she cleaned the house while I was having a 'nap'.
"So Evan , how has work been?" The man addresses Me
I sit there but I don't answer
" hey bud i know it's been awhile since you seen us but come on fill us in on how the life is in LA , has to be exciting my boy" he says will cutting some stake
I can sense some sort of tension in the room and I answer before something bad happens
" yeah works good , very... busy you can say"  u tell him
' and who is this new mystery guy that we have been seeing you sneak around with hm?" The woman asks
"Who?" I think
" the man you leave work with son " the man says
Why does he keep say that 'son' it starting to make me feel really uncomfortable
'Ohhh... he just a friend from work " I don't know what these people are up to bur I'm nor going to tell them eddies name just incase they go after him to
" well I down like him! " The woman pipes up " he doesn't seem good for you , he going to lead you down the wrong path baby and I don't want that for my boy " she says sternly
"Hes my best friend..."I say
"I don't care bad friends will always lead you down the a sticky end "she says.
I sit and look at the food information of me , I can't actually eat it because I'm chained to the chair and I don't think they taught that part through. But it doesn't matter I wouldn't want to eat anyway .
I sit there my head racing , I need to get our of here, I need to , help is not coming , maybe they don't care , but that's doesn't mean that I shouldnt get out of here . I Try to think of how I can get out , and then I come up witha plan , when they unchain me after food to bring me back to the room, I can jump up and push the man over , they won't expect it and I can grab something from the table to use as a weapon, and I will start running , and I'm not going to stop not until I get home,  how ever far that may be .
I soon notice that they have finished eating ,
"Well that as lovely wasn't it?"the man  says to me
"Yeah it was "I say quietly
"You seem tired son , will I bring you back to your room? Your Job seem exhausting"the man implies
"Yeah I'm just tired ..  " I day threading lightly, making sure to not let them know what I'm about to do
I watch the woman start to stack plates as the man goes to untie me I wait a second after the bounds are undone and I jump , all my adrenaline keeping me going , all the weakness and all the fear just gone , I push the man as I jump off the chair and push it on top of him , I scramble of the wooden floor and Try to find a door
"I hear screams and shouts somewhere. I font know where it doesn't matter. I need to get out of here .
I Try to pull at the door hand to break it but it doesn't budge ,
Bur I hear the breaking of glass , and then I hit the ground my head is sore , I put my hand up to the back of my head and see the blood on my fingers , when I look up to the ceiling and see the woman standing over me
"YOU CAN'T LEAVE!' she says I'm a shrilled  voice, 
I try to move as I see her take out another needle , but im so sore
"You just need to relax....' I hear her voice fade as I am swallowed by the darkness yet again

Thx for reading <3 I'm not a medical professional so things might be wrong etc

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