whiskey and fights

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Time skip ( 2 week) buck and eddie have hung out  every  night  for the past 2 weeks with and without chris  they just talk for endless hours at  a time and things have been good better than good.. they have been great

bucks pov

i get out of my car, and i swear i saw that damn car again. i swear i must be going mad. i shake my head .and continue into the station and see eddie standing on the stairs smiling at me ,and that makes me forget about the stupid car

" Almost late again, buckley," eddie taunts before laughing and heading back up the stairs. i drop my bag into the changing room  , change and go back up stairs by the time i get back up the stairs most of the 118 is huddled around the TV i walk over to see the news talking about a building collaspe with 20 floors . 

" Gear up, everybody. we have  a long day ahead of us," bobby sighs 

a second later, the alarm goes off. We all gear up and get in the truck. and off we went . we arrived at the building within 10 minutes. we are all giving our jobs me and eddie set off to the 15-floor to help people who were blocked in. When we arrive, we check everyone to make sure they are ok . we radio bobby to let him know we will be exiting through the window due to the building being on the brink of further damage me and eddie help boost people through the window and pass them out to the 125 once they were all out it was our turn i go to walk to the window when i hear a crack i look down and then back up and then to eddie . everything feels like in slow motion,i feel the ground cave beneath me  i see eddie sprint toward me. 

all of a sudden, everything comes into  real time, and as i fall through, i hear Eddie scream, " BUCKKK." As i fall, i grab a piece of rebar, sticking out to stop myself from falling .

i hear Eddie franticallly shout as her peers over the side and sees me he grabs my hand and pulls me up . "Buck i-i tought.. i thought  " eddie tries to speak, but he just pulls me into a hug instead .i embrace . im not usually the type to like physical touch i dont know maybe its just the lack of it i have had my whole life or maybe its just fear of losing people once i get to close, but i weirdly crave it at the same time, i like someone  to hold me and i can just let myself be present in that momnet 

we get out of the building, and after i get checked out, we go back to the station. i run up to the kitchen and see and envlope addressed to me. eddie peers over my shoulder but walks over to the kitchen to get something. Is it a birthday card ?but my birthday for another week it  says 

to evan 

happy birthday , im so proud of you 

your greatest admire 

well, that's not weird a all i shudder, i think.. i think i need to talk about this with someone, maybe athena ?i starting to get weirded out maybe someone is watching me, i sure its not a big deal , im trying to tell myself its not a big deal in anyway , its has been a year since the lawsuit i dont want people to think that im dramatic or to make people think im tryna make things about me , yeah...its no big deal .. yeah

" Hey evan, would you want to come to mine after work and have a drink? Maybe after the day you have had it, I think it might be nice," eddie asked 

" Sure , would it be ok if i follow you over? i just got to quickly do something  "  i say as i walk down the stairs


i have been sitting in the car for 20 minutes maybe ill just leave.... wait no, there's Evan. i lie back to not be seen . i grab my camera and capture a few pictures as he leaves , and then i see that HIM that idiot he always is hanging around with i swear that man Diaz or whatever is going to do wrong by him just wait , ill save him , ill save my boy Evan .

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