when he was 3....

179 3 0

eddie pov

i sit outside Bucks' apartment while a bunch of crime lab workers , detectives, and police enter bucks apartment, they just tearing it apart looking through everything , i was almost kicked out, but Athena convinced them to let me and Bobby stay,
I'm called into the apartment by athena, and bobby comes as well,

Athena: "eddie , buck was at your last night. Was he ? Do you know what time he left?"

Me" He... he left about half 2, maybe ?"

Athena " eddie, I need you to tell me everything you know . Why did buck leave yours? I thought he was staying the night ?"

Me ," he- he was supposed to b-but we had a fight. Things got heat, and he left , I begged him to stay. I did athena. I just "I cover my face to muffle my tears

Athena goes to speak when maddie bursts through the door..

Maddie " EVAN " she cries
Athena runs over and holds her, guiding her to the floor , maddie was in hysterics and hyperventilating, when athena finally got to calm maddie a bit she said I'm gonna take the three of yous back to the station and we can go through ccv footage from the fire station and bucks apartment and we can Try see if any off yous recognise anything
We all follow athena to the car

we all sat in silence besides the muffled cries coming from everyone . When we arrived, we all went to an office 

Athena;" we have a kiddnapping alert being sent out in 5 minutes."

bobby: " i taught there had to be  decent evidence  for it to happen that quickly . The toxicology takes a few hours to come back, no?"

Athena " we think we found something else . When we look buck up on our system, there is a restricted file , from when he was under 18.we have a warene to have it unlocked  Actually, it just got sent through now...." ((athena goes to open the file)

Athena read through the file, and her jaw opens , she doesnt speak 

bobby: "Athena , what is it?"

Athena, "Did you know , maddie ?"
maddie, " Yeah, i did , but that isn't related to  this, surely? t-there -theyre in "

" What?! what is it!? " i shout, getting frustrated 

maddie, " when Evan was 3 , he went missing... for a long time...  1 year ,7 months 23 days , he was gone , we taught he was - " maddie starts crying

Athena " he was kiddnapped eddie.....the kiddnappers , we're the buckleys  old neighbours, who lost a son a few years previously, they were later dignosed with a phycotic break after they were taken into custody, they saw buck and they just took him from the front garden and they droppd off the face of the planet , there plan dated back to.... months before they took him ."

athena looked horrified 

Maddie said, " They caught them , on ccv in a supermarket , with buck , police had hunted down every trail they left and got nothing, and they get caught in a supermarket ..."

Bobby ;, why did buck never mention this?!"

"Cause they didn't tell him," i say, anger filling inside me 

" IF HE HAD KNOW HE COULD HAVE BEEN MORE CAREFUL HE COULD HAVE KEEP N EYE OUT , I-I COULD HAVE I-I--" i shout , but i just cant say anymore and i collapse back into the chair beside me , putting my head into my hands 

"evan was so young , he doesn't remember , he couldn't , the doctors said he just blocked it out and his brains trauma response was to 'forget it' , and my parents taught it would be better to not tell him , instead of bring back all those memories"maddie cried 

Bobby , how can you be sure its them ?

Athena " The wife was realeased last year and her husband 2 months ago... , we got a facial match on ccv. "

" OK?! what are we waiting for? Let's go then?!" i say

Athena " its not that easy..they have no property under any of their names, we have checked all the propertys of old friends and work friends  of the murphys , nothing....they have gone off the grid ...again"

I stand up a pace around the room
'FUCK" I shout and knock over a chair

Bobby: "EDDIE , we are going to find him .ok?

I look over and see maddie crying , I walk over and hug her , "im sorry, maddie , for shouting , but I am going to get buck back" I say

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