they are not my parents

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Buck POV

My body aches , Im too tired to move , or to even open my eye, my head is banging, and i have absolutely no idea why

"eddie?"i groan 

i try to think back to what happened and nothing comes to mind, but something must of happened because how did i end up feeling like this?the last thing i remember is going to Athenas and i was telling her about my problom , i then left athenas , And went to eddies , i must be at Eddies, yeah thats it , i go to rub my face, but i cant move my arm?!i feel a pull on my arm , i finally get the strength to open  y eyes and see that i am retrained to the bed , like something you would see in a hospital, Eddie wtf i think, 

but then i look around , i am not in Eddies , i look around the room and see that it's a childs room? i look to lift my head with the little strength i do have and look around to see loads of toys posters... a skateboard , my skateboard, when i was a kid, i had a skateboard with my name on it , and it was here? where the feck am I?
My eyes start to come into focus, and I look at my hands that are tightly secured, I try to get out, put, I end up just hurting my wrists,
I heard a lot of clanging at the door, and I look up ,my head screaming ,
A woman enters the room in her mid-50s, I would say.
"Ah, you're awake," she smiles as she shuffles over to open the curtains a bit ,
"Where am I?" I ask
"Oh honey ,that's a funny one ," she laughs
"No, sorry, I genuinely don't know.."I tell her
"Oh Evan, you alway over do it when you drink with your friends!I swear ,you're just lucky your father isn't home," she huffs
I look at this woman. She is not my mother, I have no idea why she is saying that she is my mother
" excuse me? You're not my mother , my parents live halfway across the country," I tell her
She clattered her hand  across my face out of anger
"I'm sorry , honey , I just.."she starts
I look at this woman startled to say the least ,
"You go to  sleep, before dinner , your father will be home in about an hour,"this woman tells me
She leaves, and I hear the familiar clanging at the door

I sit there thinking about what just happened why does this woman know so much about me?she knows my name and stuff from when i was a kid there was much more to this than what i taght , then the pin drops , these must be the people that have been following me around over the last few weeks , my stomach drops, I think about what I last remember , i had just left eddies ... after we fought... oh damit Eddie i really fucked up i think, i left eddies anddd i went home , there was a knock on the door, i answered thing it was eddie..snd.. i got attacked , they attaacked me they came into my apartement a dosed me with someting, feck , 

i try to think about how long ago this happened , how long have i been out? surely it only been a few hours. i just hope that someone has realised i am missing rather than going A- wall after the fight. i just hope that eddie can forgive me.. if I get back 

i start  to shout "SOMEBODY HELPP MEE "over and over. i try to pull my arms out of the restraints, but i have no luck, 

suddenly, i hear the clanging at the door, and the woman reappears

"SHUT UP EVAN," She screams, but i continue shouting, hoping someone will hear me . she runs out the door and comes back with a syringe , oh shit i really done it no , i try to move my head o she cant inject the needle, but i fail and the needle makes contact  with my neck , i have no idea what it was , but i start to fel fuzzy and so, so tired,

"i cant go- i cant sleep" i tell myself, i try to fight it but i cant the darkness incases it self around me as i fall asleep and the last thing i see is the woman standing over me 

hey guys, so what are we thinking ? sorry for the shorter chapter. All this is gonna make more sense in the next chapter

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