Chapter 6 ~ I want you ~

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Will opened his eyes and it took a moment for him to get his bearings, he remembered he was at Tanner's place and looking down he saw that he was covered with a blanket, Tanner must have covered him before he went to bed. 

Turning slightly he was shocked to see Tanner still sitting in the same place as last night when he had fallen asleep only now his head was laid back against the sofa exposing the pale skin of his slender throat, his lips slightly open and inviting.

One hand rested on his stomach and the other was beside him with a sheet of paper still in its grasp, his legs stretched out in front of him and were crossed at the ankles and Will noticed that he was fast asleep. 

He got up and carefully slipped the paper out of Tanner's fingers before covering him with the same blanket that Tanner had used to cover him then picking up his bags he headed in the direction of the bedroom where he assumed the bathroom was and when he found it he took a shower before dressing, it was still quite early so he decided to let Tanner sleep and he would start breakfast.

Walking back into the lounge he looked across at Tanner then he went into the kitchen to see what he could make for breakfast. Opening the industrial sized fridge he was impressed with the selection of healthy foods, fresh fruit and vegetables filled the shelves along with bottles of water and a variety of juices.

There were plastic containers full of food and on the bottom shelf were some even larger containers with what looked like soup in them ... wait a minute, was that his favorite soup?

Six large containers of it sat in Tanner's fridge, what the hell? he must really like it too but surely it was way too much for one person? anyway, that was breakfast sorted, he would make some rice and warm up some of Shana's soup, what a lovely way to start the day.

When the rice was almost finished and the soup was simmering he went back into the lounge to wake Tanner but he wasn't there so walking into the bedroom he stood outside of the bathroom door and heard the shower running.

Great, everything was going to plan, he went back to the kitchen and began to set the counter with cutlery then he poured two mugs of steaming coffee. Waiting until he heard Tanner moving about in his bedroom he dished up two bowls of rice and taking the soup off the heat he shared it between two bowls.

"hey" Tanner said walking into the kitchen  carrying his suit jacket over one arm.

"good morning Tanner, I made breakfast" Will said smiling.

"thank you but you didn't have to" Tanner said walking over to the counter then he looked at the food,

"oh fuck, where did you get the soup from Will?"

"from one of the containers on the bottom shelf, why? hey you never told me you're a fan of Shana's cooking too" Will said smiling.

Tanner was ignoring him and went across to his fridge to look inside,

"shiyaa, I can't take that one now, I'll have to make some more later in the week" Tanner was mumbling to himself.

"did I do something wrong?" Will asked.

"not really, you weren't to know, it's just that the soup was for someone else" Tanner replied.

"huh? why would you have soup from Jack and Shana's place in your fridge for someone else?" Will was confused.

"it's for Jack and Shana" Tanner explained.

"huh? I'm confused?" Will didn't get it.

"how the hell did you become so successful? it beats me" Tanner said.

Tanner's Tormentor  🤍  Billy/BabeWhere stories live. Discover now